I was reading on Vancouver Airport, then, Dorval, Pearson, LAX, El Dorado, DXB, AMS,... well, thanks to wikipedia, there's always link to other article. So it's a chain of articles. And then YouTube.
Amsterdam Schiphol is by far the most active YouTubers. The videos are fun, and there's always something new in their YouTube channel.
Surfing the internet, one particular airport caught my eye. Singapore Changi airport. They are building a new business hub called JewelChangi. Designed by Moshe Safdie, one of the best architect. Habitat 67 is in his resume. It is an example of metabolic architecture, probably with a hint of Brutalism. First saw this awesome building in Johnny Mnemonic. Yes, brutalism and metabolism architecture fit to be in a science fiction movies, cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic movies. It looks like a heap of junk, only beautiful. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art is subjective.
Back to JewelChangi, the centrepeice is it's fountain. Flowing in the centre of the building from the transparent, crystalline-like roof. I'm not sure whether it's made of glass or just membrane. The span is wide, they might use lightweight materials.
The fountain is similar to Suntec City's Fountain of Wealth
And here, I'm typing about 2 things that is of my interest, aviation and architecture. Maybe in a parallel universe, I am a pilot and in other universe, an architect. Too bad, I was born in a typical Asian family. Yup! We really love doctors. Just turn on the telly, and in every drama, it is compulsory to have a doctor as the main character or the supporting character.
Flying is an art
Architecture is an art
But never medicine, although many doctors would say medicine is an art too... which I just couldn't understand. Why is it an art, if one cannot express their artistic side. And hostile to left-handed, the so called creative population.
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