Friday, 29 May 2015

Absence makes the heart grows fonder???

Last night we had our Business Law class. In the previous semester, the same slot is for Ethics in Workplace.

In the previous semester, we shared the class with OSH students. For Business Law (current semester) we share the class with Business seniors. 

During our break, my friend and I went out to get some fresh air. Outside, I met our former classmate, the OSH students. Remember in my previous post, I said that OSH students are noisy? Actually, our seniors are also noisy. 

While the OSH students are laid back, they still respect their classmates. My first impression towards them, they are rowdy. Well, actually, they are noisy and like to make jokes. Not practical jokes. Well, laid back and chill. That's their attitude. BUT, they still respect their classmates. 

I was asking one of them, (he shared the same name with my former colleague, the McClingy? Dr. McClingy)how are they doing? Apparently, they are having Toxicology. And I start to talk about the LD50, Paracelsus etc...

As I return into our class, one of the senior smoked. In the classroom. That's quite rude, even if it is just e-cigarette. Probably, he thinks that by doing so makes him looks cool. But our former OSH classmate is waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy cooler that him. Well, their chillax attitude.

Moral of the story
1) Don't judge a book by it's cover
2) Respect others
3) Sometimes you can make friend with people from a different background, as long as there's mutual respect, like what I had with most of my former OSH classmates. We would chit chat whenever we meet. 

p/s did I judge my senior for smoking in the class? Who knows he's a good person. Sigh! The downside of having trust issue, making judgement based on first impression. Well, one have to be careful.

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