Monday, 4 May 2015

Sudden influx of domestic readers...

The paranoid self in me, is the government spying on me? Did I post about how I might have schizophrenia? Well, it's a self diagnosis, probably, me being hypochondriac.

Well, is the government spying on me? Well, the chief police is too free that he reads social media than doing real policing. And insulting the police is an offense, apparently. Ooooopssss! Never knew it is. Insulting the King is an offense, that's a known fact.

A sudden influx indeed. Maybe just my bestie reading and rereading my blog entries.

But the best part is, more diverse foreign reader. Canadians. Finally Canadian reading this blog. Maybe accidentally. Indians, even Chinese. And Spaniard, even from Belarus. Indonesian too.

Those are part of the world which I would like to visit some day. Had I not reply to that cheapskate medical school, I would have crossed India from my bucket list. Haha. A road not taken, said Bob Frost.

Well, I hope you enjoy reading my rants. And Canadians, you are always welcome.

(p/s if it is not obvious enough, Canada is on the top of the list on my 'to-visit-list')

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