10 years ago would be my first day living in a hostel.
To be honest, I'm quite confused. I am quite shy especially when it comes to baring your body, going to the toilet. Well, I'm no Mark Wahlberg, no washboard abs to be proud of. The first few days, I did my business in the library toilet. It's air-conditioned, and quieter... but to do so, I have to do it only once a day.
Among the things that I brought were a pair of dumbbells. Which in some ways help me to be somebody. Yes, I am the dumbbell guy. No working gym in the campus, I am quite popular among my roommates friends. And every evening, there would be somebody, bodybuilder wannabes, pumping irons in our room, dominating the hallway.
Sometimes, it is annoying, when your things become public properties, but then, it do help me in making new acquaintances.
While most students couldn't stand hot and spicy food, I am immune to them. Spicy foods? huh? Not that spicy. It is quite easy to find food. I am not choosy.
The campus is on a smaller island, so there are abundant of seafood. Every weekend, I would buy some magazines, grilled fish and fruits. And my magazine, they are public properties too.
Water problem is what one would associate with the college. There's always water shortage. Worst, it would affect our wing first. Murphy Law. Sometimes, we would raid other people's washroom. Or bathe outdoors. The latter is not an option. I would rather carry a pail of water and clean myself in one of the washroom stall. Exercise.
And it become a habit. Carrying 2 pails of water up 2 flights of stairs, to the waterless washroom and bathe. Which sometimes freaks other hostel dwellers. The story goes like this. It's 5 am which is my bath time. I usually take my bath early and continue my sleep. And wake up at 6 am for breakfast. I hate sitting, I prefer lying down when reading.(Freud style...) And I could not switch on the lights to the sleeping area, my roomies are still sleeping. So I sleep.
Upon waking up, there's a huha going on. Somebody heard water splashing in the washroom at 5 am. They thought that it's haunting. Little that they know I was the 'ghost'. My roomies laughed once they heard that story, because they know that I am the one, haunting the washroom.
Made friends
Lose weight
Attain good grades
What's not to like?
Well, the overzealous staff. Namely the principal and the student's affair. They wouldn't let us go to church sometimes. It's easy for them because Friday afternoon is always free, so they can go for Friday prayers. Privileged. When it comes to us, they would ask the most annoying question. "Why can't you worship on other days?" They are insulting our Sabbath. Of course they could not empathize us because they are privileged. Having their Friday afternoon off, every week. Because the government said so... Say if their Friday afternoon long break were interrupted by some programme, they would be the first to boycott the programme. The whole lot. We just want half day off, going to church, not shopping.
Well, those monkeys weren't local. Local would considerate. Those monkeys were from the xenophobic part of the country. I don't hate their religion, I just hate their stupid question. I feel like asking them this question "Why do you have to worship on Friday prayer on a Friday afternoon? A but then....There's no point arguing with monkeys. I was juvenile still, I scratched one of the monkeys' car, repeatedly. I know it's rude to call others name, but only inconsiderate brat would ask that question.
Speaking of Friday afternoon, my friends and I would have a long lunch, just to exchange stories. We were from different classes so on Friday we would share our stories. An euphemism to gossiping. Without laptops, decent internet connection, the most advanced mobile phone at that time is archaic by now. Gossiping is our entertainment.
Since Friday afternoon was reserved for group meeting with our mentor, and meeting with mentor depends on the mentor, sometimes we have a long weekend. On such occasion, when all my friend were free from their 'obligations', we would extend our gossiping session. On play scrabble.
My 1 million dollar word was SIRLOIN, I used all 7 tiles, which gives me bonus score. Unlike now, cameras are not standard in every mobile devices. It is still the dawn of the selfie era. We only have a handful of photos for keepsake. Imagine what is it like now. Students taking photo almost every second, making amateur porn movie. I'm not denying the fact that our batch do have our own version of pornstar... we have a couple. Very famous. Waning the celebrity status of Pamela Anderson.
If time travelling were possible today, I would..........
Maybe next 10 years, time travelling would be something standard... What would my 10 year older me do? I'll answer that in 10 years time.
I couldn't comment my own blog so....
To reply Thespian
I could only remember the famous couple. From my hometown. Well... during registration, I was stereotyped by Mr. Casbah. His words "This boy could be one of the trouble-maker. He's from (insert my hometown)
(name altered for privacy... sort of)
Well, maybe the person next door to yours is a different fellow. Is it the Ju-on girl, who 'eloped' with the security?
There was also the "sex scandal of the year" involving my next door neighbor in the hostel. I noticed it wasn't mentioned in the entry.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of dumbbells, someone learned the hard way not to use it on one's belly. LOL