Saturday, 23 May 2015

Fluoridation... American agenda?

Apparently, fluoridation is an American agenda to wipe-out human race... according to a blog written by a fellow (insert the demonym for the country I am in, with the major religion). Blaming on toothpaste as a weapon for Armageddon, while promoting miswak, a twig used (mainly) by the Arabs for oral hygiene. 

Fluoridation was introduced to help reduce tooth cavity. Fluoride strengthen the tooth enamel. It is also recommended by the WHO. Do you think WHO would recommend something which is bad for health? Why would they invest on immunization then? Is immunization bad or good?

While there's no correct answers to the questions above, one need to understand that there is something called Lethal Dose 50 (LD 50). Before explaining that is LD 50, first, a brief history lesson. Paracelsus, a Swiss stated that... everything is toxic... in his exact words "Dosis facit venenum" or in English 'the dose makes the poison. Everything is toxic... including plain, pure, unadulterated water. Try drinking a cisternful of water, you'll get oedema, electrolyte imbalance and so on... which eventually leads to death. Pure oxygen is also toxic in very high dose. The keyword here is MODERATION.

LD 50 is basically the dose which is toxic to 50 percent of the population. The more the dose, the less toxic it is. 

Back to fluoride. Yes, of course, it is toxic... at certain dose. Is it an American agenda to genocide? I don't think so. Of course there's controversy on this matter. But do they have to blame it on the Americans? There are waaaaaaaaay plenty other non American companies producing fluoridated toothpaste.

Even in our water treatment plant, flouride was added to prevent tooth cavity. Can I say that the (well, again insert the nation I am in) government trying to poison their citizens? During my public health posting, we have to memorize the process. All I could remember is there's a lot of F's and C's... coagulation, flocculation, filtration, fluoridation, chlorination...

Well, isn't chlorine a poisonous gas? Why blame the Americans/Western/Christians when our water supply is chlorinated... Is it our government agenda to kill the citizen so that the politicians can get more money as there is less people to distribute the wealth? Think again. (retention time? do you think that the retention time is sufficient enough when the water demand is at peak?)

Sometimes, I am sick of these 'holier than thou' mentality of the major races... Blaming every failure on the West/Jews/Americans... Blaming all social/moral problem with again Westerner/Jews/American/Christians... the way they blame Valentine's Day. 

Like LD 50 and Paracelsus toxicology, moderation is ideal way. 

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