Friday, 29 May 2015

Why does your God have a son?

That's a frequently asked question by the Muslim.

Some even use this point to argue each other's religion validity.

Asking Christian why we believe in the concept of Trinity is akin to asking a Muslim, why do they believe that Muhammad PBUH is a prophet?

Asking us how sure are we about Jesus being the Son of God is like us asking the Muslim how sure are they about Muhammad PBUH.

Not to put blame on others, but those question are sometimes annoying. Challenging us on the validity of Trinity. And in the end, most think that Christian God and Muslim God are different. Well, the government agrees to that too. Hence the injunction. Such action widen the gap between the 2 religion. And blaming Christians? Yes, being the majority makes it easy for them to be a bully. (majority, not all. Fortunately, in my beloved state, such 'silly' issue is never an issue, isolated, sporadic cases maybe, but we are always putting interracial/inter-religion  peace as our utmost interest.)

Most Muslim thought that Christian worship Jesus ALONE! The concept of trinity is there is ONE God but in 3 different entities. Well, if God is omnipotent, He could be as many as he wants.

Trinity is not like Roman gods or Greek gods. In Roman and Greek mythology, each god is different. Zeus made love with someone and sire another god. You are wrong to think Trinity is as such. Jesus is kinda like part of God himself. So is the Holy Spirit. For us Christian, God is Jesus, to redeem us from our sin.

And seriously, why would the earlier Muslim call Christians and Jews 'people of the book' if our God is different?

We worship the same God in different ways. Well, you can blame it on Nimrod for all the confusion in this world.

Yeah, telling a Christian that our Trinity is bullshit is akin to telling the Muslim, the Prophet is a 'paedophile*'. So put yourself in our shoes.

If you love God so much, please don't insult other religion. Same goes to every religion. Calling yourself a righteous person but disrespect other religion makes you the greatest hypocrite.

*the hurtful word is used just to show how hurtful it is to ridicule our God. Personally, I wouldn't call the Prophet a paedophile because I weren't there to witness it. It's slandering.

Please study your own religion before you comment on other's. Calling Christian God 'fake' actually means calling your own God 'fake'.

Like really, really study your religion, before making stupid remarks.

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