Quoting my former Physics teacher... (since it's their day today)
You are the cream of the cream in this school. She's right! I am among the top 10 in the best class. And I like physics! Only God knows why I attained B+ for my physics but A for Biology, a subject which I referred as 'stupid' when I was at school. To me Biology is something that I could not see, unlike Physics, which is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun.
Physics is like playing games. All the logics and common sense. BIOLogy is looking into cells, which is like looking into an alien world. Some find them fascinating, but not me... And I hate microscope. I usually, do badly in histology. Sometimes parasitology... or whichever field of study where microscope is needed.
Another physics teacher once told us the beauty of thermophysics. Q=mc(T-t), sorry, I couldn't find theta on my keyboard. Well, the theta represents the chance in temperature hence T-t. Initially, I couldn't understand a thing on thermodynamics. Until, she told us a person could obtain phD just by studying thermodynamics. Once I grasp the knowledge on this particular subject, I never let it go. Evidenced by my Chemistry pop-quiz in college. Our lecturer in college asked us what was the initial temperature of blabla if the mass is blavla, constant is vlabla and energy is umphhundreds Joule? A simple question but only me could answer. Making me believe that education system here is too exam oriented that students only study for exam. Well, my coursemate have better results for their O-level equivalent exam.
The physics teacher have a habit of pinching students who doesn't do their works. Only the geeks and genius and me (not a geek nor genius... only keen of studying physics... which other students loathe) are exempted from her crab like pinch.
Reminiscing back. Yes I am once in the cream of the cream group, but... I'm not the cream anymore. Most of the students of my league are now working, with expensive cars, big houses... (well even somebody who's a parasite are doing better than me now)
I might not be a regular cream. I'm more of a SOUR CREAM or WHIPPED CREAM. Not really a cream but lovable, and somewhat popular.
Just to make myself feel better, I might not have good certificates, (I ditched them) but my experience is unique and priceless... Who cares if I'm sour or whipped cream? They are different but still comes from the creaming process.
You know what's cooler? ICE CREAM!
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