Saturday, 23 May 2015

Nobody wants to admit that they are racist, but the truth is, everyone is...

Yesterday, I was at a property expo. At the second booth, I managed to exchange ideas with the agents. Friendly people (Please refer to previous post)

There's quota for the condominium. A racial quota. At least 30 percents of the units are to be sold to the 'native'.

Since I am considered a native, they encourage me to consider since there would be a certain discount if I were to buy one of the unit. The agents said that I should use the privilege, unlike them 'non-native', who have to buy at higher price.

Are they racist? I don't think so. It's the fact. The 'non-native' have to work harder, while the 'native' had the privilege. Quite unfair. Well, I should explain, the 'native' and 'non-native' are both the citizen of (insert my country). Although they are descended from countries far away, these people are the 4th/5th generation of 'non-native' living in (again, insert my country) Some had lived here for more than 5 generations.

These agents are from another part of the country where there are 3 main races. 1 is of 'native' ethnicity while the other 2 are on 'non-native' ethnicity. And the native race embraced the major/official religion.

Here, there's more liberty. More races, living in peace. We still have 'natives' and 'non-natives'. But intermarriage is common. While the distinction is still there, however it's less than the other 'place'.

My Chinese... (oopsssssss, I spilled the beans) friends would say that we 'natives' are more privilege than them. Yes, we do. But not much. Because we don't profess the major religion.

Compared to 'natives embracing major religion' and 'non-natives' and 'non-Muslim natives' (again I spilled the beans), we are the LEAST privilege. Reason being, less representation.

At least the 'non-native' have vocal leaders. the 'other natives' have full privilege, while we are there just to fill the void space, like literally. Just a showcase. Just to increase the number of 'natives'. Just because they don't want the 'non-native' be the majority.

Our representative is usually an ass-kissing one. And their main concern is usually to fill their pockets with goodies rather than preserving our welfare. (well, I said usually, doesn't mean all, but usually) That is why we are disgruntled.

To illustrate, some of the 'cockroaches' said that it is our fault to call our Supreme being with the Arabic words. Some even said that it is our agenda to convert them into Christianity. (Yep... those cockroaches are always paranoid... yes a majority of 'us' have mental sickness)

Where is our representative? Why aren't they they to help us. It is basically unsolved issue. The issue is swept under the rug by limiting the usage to certain states. The ban is still there in the other 'cockroach' states. How are we going to worship freely (as stated in the federal constitution) in that Godforsaken land, dominated by paranoid 'major religion native'?

So, would you say all natives are privilege?

Think again!

Cockroach, well the generation before us called them cockroaches because of an incident whereby they think that our women are cheap and gullible. There's no better word to call a male chauvinist. Well, again, not all are. Stereotypes. But stereotypes happens because... of the majority. Some who came here like it here because we are peace loving people. A lot live here permanently, to escape probably to escape the 'paranoia' over there.

And 'non-native' have their vernacular schools, which are conducted in their respective mother's tongue. Do we have any? The official language is not our mother's tongue.

Privileged huh?

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