Monday, 1 June 2015

Airbus vs Boeing... (Queen sized)

Before I proceed further, I am a Boeing fan.


Almost a decade ago, the first A380 landed in this country. Back then, the Super Jumbo was very popular. Some even thought that it is the first double decked airliner.

A friend of mine, Danny enthusiastically told me to see the 'double-storeyed' airliner. I asked him, which one? 747 or A380. He replied "I thought the new aircraft is the only double decked aircraft"

Well, not even the 747 can assume the title of the first model to have 2 passenger deck. Some older aircraft particularly the Stratocruise utilized the lower deck for passenger use, (as in passenger lounge)

A380 was so popular, outshining the 747.

However, some are not that keen with A380. Another friend, Humphrey said that the A380 takes off clumsily. Not as graceful as the 777 or 747.

While I prefer 747 to 380, there is some aspect in the aviation industry evolving with the advent of the Super Jumbo. Before the introduction of the A380, First class suite is uncommon. As far as I know, the first airline to introduce the First Class Suite is Jet Airways of India on its 777. Shah Rukh Khan was the brand ambassador, featured in the advert, promoting the First Class Suite.

What distinguish the First class to Business class were wider seat, wider PTV screen, dedicated crews, better amenity kits, and fewer passenger to share the space with. The First Class in the 90's were as good as today's Business Class.

Although Jet Airways was the first to introduce the First Class Suite, this line of service was made popular by Singapore Airlines with the introduction of A380. And many airlines join the trend. Some like Etihad, offer a better option. A private apartment. A higher end niche to the First Class Suite. In this line of service, the apartment comes with a bed fit for 2, private bathroom and private sitting area. In 'normal' First Class, only Lufthansa offer a bed (a permanent bed, not a lie flat seat, or convertible bed/seat) on it's 747-400, which would be phased out within this decade.

Such improvement were made possible by A380. Those luxuries were only possible in private aviation. It's like bringing private aviation into general mainline passenger aviation.

Improvement were not only limited to First class. Business Class and Economy undergoes improvements too. Snack bars and premium economy for economy class. In business class, lie flat seats are becoming more common, replacing the cradle seats.


While the Airbus comes with many perks, there are also downside of it. It's sheer size means not all airport could handle them. Some airport have to undergo some renovations such as extending their runways, longer air bridge, larger hall to accommodate the crowd of passengers in a time. The large size means flying with low density is not feasible.

As there are more profitable for high density route, it is mainly used in hub and spoke network. This overcrowds the hub. Making hub airports prone to delays. Very crowded airports means very long queue. One have to open more lines.

It is only feasible for intercontinental flights. So it is limited to big airports. So having an Airbus 380 is only feasible if your airline is flying long distance, with high density.

747 can fly from most regional airport.


While Airbus 380 could bring prestige, it is not always wise to have one. Currently, a famous airlines is planning to sell or lease it's A380. Well, in my personal opinion, this particular airline should have not bought them in the first place. It sounds like impulse buying just to compete with another rival airlines. Not wanting to lose face.

The 2 airlines mentioned are both a 5 star airlines, previously operated as a single entity. Well, the airlines separated because of conflicting philosophy on improving the airlines services.

The former airlines aims to improve domestic services while the latter, wanted to expand globally.
Both airlines goes a separate ways, the latter being more famous than the former airlines.

The former airlines in currently downsizing due to financial difficulties and aim to improve on regional and domestic services. Having a Super Jumbo while operating mostly on regional/domestic services doesn't make sense.

Why the airlines opted for A380? Probably due to anti-American sentiment? Palestine sympathizer? Well, it's just some possible explanation. It could be that or some other reasons.  But buying A380 is costly. A grave mistake I would say.


Personally, I think Boeing 747 is more versatile than 380. The airline should have bought newer generation of Jumbo Jet instead of the Super Jumbo. Had they do that, probably the airline wouldn't be in such deficit. The delay with the deliveries could cover the cost of a 747-8. Not a financial analyst but 747 is matured enough, the one you can count on. Sadly, compared to 380, 747-8 is less popular. Most 747-8 are freight planes. And most airliners are retiring their 747 from their fleet referring smaller aircraft like 777 and 787 or larger aircraft (A380).

 If 747 were an animal, it's status would be endangered or threatened despite having a younger generation variant. It's sad considering that 747 have a legacy of it's own. But the good news is, the new Air Force One would still be 747. A good decision of not using A380 for the presidential fleet. American pride.

My opinion could be biased because I have a deep connection with Boeing. I always fly in a Boeing. Baby Boeing. Never in a Jumbo Jet, which I wish I had.

And if I were to have unfathomable wealth, I would buy a Jumbo Jet over a Super Jumbo.

Jumbo Jet is a marvel. Designed before the computer age. A bold move to prove that a big aircraft is profitable both as passenger plane or freight plane, convertible, or combi. Very versatile. A humble origin. Unlike the Super Jumbo which is pompous.

Like most Boeing fan would say...

"Boeing let's pilots to control the plane, Airbus rely on computers, and would not let pilot to override the system"

Of course Airbus fans would counter by saying such system is standard. But I see it as being too reliant to artificial intelligence.

An Airbus fan I know blame such thing on the disappearance of MH370, which I counter with the GermanWings deliberate crash.

Really, nothing to do with the control system.

However, I would trust a pilot flying Boeing than a pilot who flies an Airbus.

But that's nothing compared to a pilot who flies bush planes.

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