Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Toiletries: Bedroom or Bathroom?

I'm not sure about other household or culture. But for our household, and most of the people I know store their toiletries in both bathroom and bedroom.

My late cousin used to 'hide' her shampoo in her wardrobe... along with other her bath creme. So, when ever I spent one or two nights there, she would tell me to get the toiletries from the wardrobe. It might sound weird, but she had her own reason. She's hiding them from her brother. My other cousin, would 'shampoo' his rooster with his sister's shampoo. A dedicated chicken owner. There's a lot of other things that she would hide from her brother, including pastries from her favourite bakery.

The reason for this entry is, where would one put most of their toiletries, bath or bedroom?

In the past, I would put my lotion in the bedroom, on the chest of drawers. Since Nivea came with their in-bath shower, which is genius, I put them... well, in the bath.

Of course one would put their soap, face-wash, toothpaste, toothbrush in the bathroom, but what about deodorant? I put my deodorant in the bedroom, along with my eau de toilette, perfumes and cologne. Shaver and shaving cream/oil is usually found in the bathroom, but not aftershave.

But EDT were meant to be used in the bathroom, hence the name, French for 'toilet water'. Not from the toilet bowl of course! Since deodorant is in the same category as EDT, why don't I put them in the bathroom? Why most people in this part of the world put them in the bedroom?

Probably because we don't really have medicine chest to store such stuffs. And those things are considered expensive. Another reason would be because our bathroom is very humid. As in very very humid. A humid room in a hot and humid region. Small window, and absence of ventilation fan in most household bathroom, and our bathroom is really really wet*. When I was younger, I thought the Westerners keep their bathroom very neat and dry. One of the interior decorating magazine even showcase a commode in the middle of the, what I assume as a library. Toilet among bookcases. A functional toilet along with bathtub.

Which makes our 'Westerners seldom take bath' stereotype stronger. And I thought Westerners seldom poop too! (Try putting books in the toilet and someone might scold you for not respecting knowledge book**)

What about the cheap deodorant? I think it's more convenient to apply deodorant in the bathroom, while your armpits are still fresh. And it's private enough for one to apply deodorant in the nether region. Yes, it's a thing! Along with powders. Using powder in the 'powder room' is less messy than in bedroom. Imagine the spill in the bedroom. In bathroom, one can just wipe it off, or like us, flush it off (yes, another reason why our bathroom is very very wet. We don't only mop the bathroom floor, we flush the whole floor for cleaning!)

I my bathroom is drier, I would put powder and deodorant in the bathroom. For the time being let's just put them in the bedroom. Maybe I'll start with putting the deodorant first.

* I'm not exaggerating. During my first year of medical school, we were to collect questionnaire on home safety. Distributing the questionnaire among 30-40 households. Most score less in bathroom section. Our respondent even asked us "Aren't bathrooms meant to be wet?"

** A friend of mine, scolded me in a holier-than-thou manner, after I told her I sometimes do my revision in the toilet. I told her that as a warning that, my reference books aren't that clean, and one would borrow them at their own risk. Well, I'm just being honest, a disclaimer. She told me "And all the knowledge you acquire from reading in the toilet would not be blessed!". The joke is on her, I passed my geography with flying colours. Maybe, digesting knowledge is complemented by the digesting system. Hence our affinity to read while seated on the porcelain throne.

p/s I am writing while watching ANTM cycle 17... -wanna be on top?-

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