Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Amazon Trail

I was watching this:

‘90s Kids Play Oregon Trail As Adults
And I reminisce my childhood.

We had our first PC in 1997. And one of our favourite PC games is Amazon Trail, a spin-off of Oregon Trail. Oregon Trail is a game about well, the Oregon Trail, when Americans crossed the Prairies and Rockies, breaking frontiers... and reach the west coast. Correct me if I am wrong.

Amazon Trail is also an adventure game. Basically, the player have to collect as much items as possible and to bring cinchona to the Inca king as they are plagued by Malaria. And along the river, one would stop at major tributaries, or town. From Belem, to Peru. 

Along the way, one would encounter some ordeals such as food shortage, water shortage, whirlpool, logs, Malaria. Or meet some friendly natives at the town. 

So in a way, playing this game helped us with our geography. Some of the places we learn from this game are, Belem, Xingu, Rio Negros, Santarem, Manaus, Iquitos,  etc.

Yeah, back then even when our games are not 3D or CGI animated, our games are very educational.

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