Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Some of my favourite books... Canadian edition.

These are some of my books... Well, my favourite is True North Strange and Free.

I bought these books second hand. I personally think books should be loved. It's like book adoption. Books would cry if we don't read them... I value books very much. A bibliophile. The book seller is used to live in Canada. Kelowna to be exact.

And how did I know those facts? When I bought the books, she asked me, Why are all your books Canadian. I smiled. Kinda weird when Asians only care about US. Well, I have deep sentiment towards Canada. It started with my encounter with a kind. friendly Canadian lady when I was 5. (Kind and friendly is apparently not a stereotype... it's truth)

The second time I went to the book fair, the same lady commented on my book, this time, the True North Strange and Free.

"Interesting..." she said.
"Do you mean the title? Well actually, it a play word... you see, the Canadian anthem lyrics is true north strong and free... Yes, quite an interesting title..." I responded.
"You know a lot about Canada... have you been there?" said her.
"No" I replied.
"It's a nice place... I used to live in Kelowna" she said
"Oh, B.C.!"
"You really know a lot about Canada..."

And I wish she gave me some discount for having a good general knowledge...

Another reason why I bought those books... Well, nobody really want to buy books on country that they thought as 'second to US'... Which is kinda sad, because they underestimated Canada. But also a good thing for me not having to fight for it.

Those books are looking a a new place call home. I just don't want them to feel rejected. If only I could buy all.

Well, I am looking forward to pass those books to my nieces or nephews or grandnieces and grandnephews...

And your birthday is nearing,  Canada...

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