My school of fish is getting along well. 2 male bettas and 5 female. Not a bite mark.
And this afternoon, Beau decided to visit his pals... well actually, I did. I wanted to see if they can get along. Like I said, the urn is pretty large for a school of bettas and it's heavily planted. So, probably another factor leading to my betta temperament. Lot's of hiding place. And I introduced the fish in a group.
Beau is living in a fish tank alone. So he is quite territorial. He flares a lot initially, but bit by bit his hostility diminished. Did I have a magic urn? I wouldn't recommend anyone keeping two or more male bettas together. But mine did pretty well.
First, I tried with a group of female. Then, I kinda like to watch them swimming. The iridescence scales are alluring. And I tried introducing the males, but watched them closely. Well, I read in some forum, a fish-keeper did keep his 2 males together. And some said brothers can live together.
Yes, watching them is very relaxing. I kinda like a hillbilly who wants a koi pond but have limited budget and resort to keeping bettas. I must admit, it's an addiction already. At least it's not as expensive as koi. The cost of keeping one is very cheap... well, it's a tropical fish, and I live on a tropical island. I have teak trees at the backyard, which is a good water conditioner (some said it is superior than Indian almond leaves). Banana leaves. Plenty of foods. Mosquitoes. I have a bug zapper and in the morning I would collect the dead mosquitoes to feed the fish. Pretty much a low cost maintenance fish (for someone who lives in the tropics), but beautiful.
And if you keep one long enough, they would recognize you. They would always begging for food if they see me. And Beau have adapted to my schedule. He would rest on the gravel if I lie on the bed... or floor... mimicking my actions. If only he blogs.
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