We have the shittiest police procedural drama...
Tonight's episode is one of the shittiest. It's about atheist terrorizing the nation. And the atheist was portrayed by well, Westerners... and Black.
Well, anything offending the official religion is a crime, but the reverse is not always right. Offending the nation's official religion would be on the front page. Burning other religion's place of worship? Well, the media would not give a damn. Even if it's on the front page, the media would have the tendency to blame the other religion. Always making us the black sheep. Freedom of religion should be for everybody. And I think religion should not be politicized. Also I don't think human have the right to use religion for their own advantage. Religion is good only of the person embracing it is good. When one uses religion for their advantage, it tarnish the sanctity of the religion. Good example... well, why point at other religion,... INDULGENCES!!!
Atheist terrorizing the nation. A friend of a friend of mine, Maurice is an atheist. He is as cool as a hippie. I couldn't imagine Maurice bludgeoning a puppy, let alone a person... maybe slashing the haters with word, but not physically.
Another reason why it is a shitty drama, they would anybody with fair skin to portray the Westerner. The atheist in this particular episode is an Englishman, but his accent is more like Middle Eastern, with some French. Syrian refugee? Fair skin, dark hair. But to make his character more 'English', the actor dyed his hair.
Over here, nobody cares about the actor's accent. An Aussie with thick Oz accent can play an English character. A Brit could play American. It's so different from other country. In Grimm, one of the episode, there's a South African Wesen. Nick and his friends use the Wesen's accent as a clue. The same goes with Common Law when both Wes and Travis track a Texan couple from their accent... to be exact, couple from the Texas panhandle. So accent plays a role in other drama, but not dramas from here.
It's really shitty, that I can laugh at a serious drama. And the police are acting like they are religious preachers. And they keep on mentioning that their religion is the holiest. Yeah... other religions are less holy, that's why nobody cares if they offend the other religions.... hmmm...
Well, I like watching the drama, seldom miss it. A good source of comedy. I think the police should punish them for ridiculing their job... not the cartoonist*.
*well, a cartoonist is jailed for belittling the police... yes, in this 'can'able nation. we can....
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