Wednesday, 24 June 2015

New Betta update (2nd day)

I was feeding my bettas, and they are all doing fine. My hypothesis, the territorial male are terrorizing the 'pond' bed. The girls are getting along, swimming close to the surface.

Probably there's enough space for 7 in that urn. And the pistias and water hyacinth gives them ample place to hide from aggression.

Or maybe the boys are docile. Well, Beau is, he's been bullied by a girl... and his tail is still healing. Bad idea. This happened in a shallow pot. Now Beau has the exclusive place in my room. Although the new halfmoon plakat looks fancier, well, Beau is very tame. And clever! Now, he's begging for food.

No! I don't want to overfeed you Beau.

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