Friday, 26 June 2015

Double standard...

In the past, the nation tried so hard to curb globalization.

And blame them on Western culture. So LGBT, blame the west

Same sex marriage, blame the west. Rock, heavy metal, blame the west. Indecency, blame the west...

Curbing globalization, just to preserve our Asian culture.

In a way, it's double standard. Anything from the Arab world is not globalization. In the past, on Friday, instead of wearing 'western' formal attire, people wear our traditional dresses. Yes, to preserve our culture.

Now, on Friday, yes... Arab dresses. Tunics instead of the loose shirt and trousers. Considering the Arabs are from the west, is it double standard?

Globalization from the Arab is okay, but not from Europe or Americas. While trying to preserve our culture, some absorb Arab culture. And in the end, we lose our identity to the Arabs instead of the Americas or Europe.

Blaming the western culture goes further into blaming the Christian. A very good example would be Valentines. Although Valentines is not really a Christian tradition.... (yup... not a patron saint's day...) people tend to blame the Christian.

Anything from the Arab world is permissible. Even the head of government used to praise the ISIS 'for their bravery'.... and then retract, deny and soon, turn 180 degrees into curbing the ISIS's influence.

I don't think globalization is that bad... and if one were to fight with globalization, fight it without discrimination... fight the Arabs and Europe and American equally... maybe the Far East too... Double standard.

Like I said, globalization is not always bad. And I don't hate the Arabs. Just commenting on the double standards we have.

10 years later, nobody wears traditional dresses... only abaya and tunics.

p/s just pondering, why is our state always bottom of the list. Alphabetically, our state should not be at the bottom. It's always (the collection of states in the western part of the country), (the neighbouring state in the north then) our state. Is it because we are the 'Bible belt'? Bible belt because we are Christian majority...

p/s/s speaking of rock music, yes in the past rock music is associated with bad influences... now, there's a rock hybrid with nasheed, titled 'salute'. And it's a 'patriotic' song. Yes... kinda funny. I never like that song... it's too 'western*' orientated. (Western orientated... isn't it an oxymoron? orient=east)

*western as in the western part of the country. not the west in general.

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