Friday, 19 June 2015

Aquaponics idea...

I've been dreaming of having a farm since 2 years ago. Well, back in my Facebook days (yes, I don't do FB anymore) I played FarmVille. The best of all I could imagine. I collected (virtual) money just to buy a flagpole with, of course the red maple leaf flag. It might not be as beautiful as other's but I like it. And my avatar is tan. Redneck? No, I just think guys should be tan. (Not a typical Asian, Asians like Fair and Lovely)

In my free time, I would do my own research on green technology and farming, particularly aquaponics.

So I drew this, an idea for my future farm.

Here's my crude sketch. Basically, it's a greenhouse on stilts, with reflective shade cloth as it's covering, fish tanks under the structure, louver walls, solar chimney. To augment cooling, I'll probably add ventilation fans and evaporative cooler.

Why on stilt? First is to save space. Some aquaponic farmers employ a technique of erecting grow bed on top of their fish holding tank. This is akin to it albeit larger scale. Second, to facilitate cross ventilation. More breeze, unobstructed breeze would flow freely into the greenhouse. Passive cooling.

Shade cloth is to reflect heat from the greenhouse (well, I'm thinking of planting strawberries or lettuce in the greenhouse, and sell them in local market at a cheaper, affordable price) while allowing light for photosynthesis. For the colour, I'll pick white. It reflects heat better but still allow some light for the plants. (Black just shade the plants but still allow heat to enter)

Like normal greenhouse, plants grow in controlled condition, without pest. Hence, there is no need for pesticide. And it's soil-less, so weed would be not much of an issue.

The solar chimney would enhance cooling by stack effect.So heat could just escape from the chimney. However, if technology advances, and energy efficient compressor/air cond are in market, why not use air cond on a very hot days?

Probably, I'll put some solar arrays (PV cells) or wind turbine or if I'm lucky enough to able to harness hydro power, mini hydro electric (damless of course!) to power necessary equipment such as air pump, water pump and the fans.

Another way to enhance cross ventilation is to plant some trees to direct wind into each greenhouse. A reverse of wind breaker.

As for fish, I'm thinking of Pacu. A baby Pacu costs 50 cents at Sen's aquarium. And adult fish is at least $18 per kilo. And I like Pacu. Personally, I think of it as 'pork' substitute. (well, despite trying to keep kosher, I do, at times crave the taste of pork... My father isn't that strict on keeping kosher, so...)

Or maybe, tilapia, or carp, trout if the fishery department allows. Or ornamental fish. Who knows I would be breeding Fighting Fish in the future? Koi? Well, that depends on if they could live in an aquaponic system.

Well, to make it organic (just an option), I would keep some worms in a worm bed. Vermicompost. The food scraps or rejected produce could feed the worms, and I'll feed the worms to the fish, and I'll have compost to sell to backyard gardeners.

Well, farming is the future 'in'. Food security/food crisis would be a big issue in the next few decades. Doctors would be useless if there's no enough food to feed the world.

Maybe, I'll have a beautiful daughter (Luisa Fernanda), and a young doctor (Carlos Eduardo M.B.B.S) would fall in love with my beautiful daughter. Heck, I'm a farmer not a gardener (a reference to the telenovela 'La Hija del Jardinero')

*Should I call this project a greenhouse? Well, a greenhouse is to keep plants warm in winter as carbon dioxide traps heat, hence the greenhouse effect/carbon emission/global warming. Well, it still houses greens, so it's still a greenhouse. A house for greens.

*No M.D. hahahaha... I'm 1 semester shy of getting M.D.

*Well, I think the gardener is better looking than the young doctor.

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