Saturday, 13 June 2015

My Business Ethics textbook was written by South African...

Yay! Another excuse for me to sing the beautiful national anthem.

At the first glance, I kinda have the feeling that the authors are South African. Their surname, sounds Dutch or Afrikaner. Rossouw and van Vuuren. Well, I just don't really care until another surname surfaces in the text book, du Plessis. I think it could not be just another coincidence so I search them online.

Yes, indeed both authors are from the rainbow nation. These 2 authors are the real author. My textbook is a modified to suit the majority (of this country). So there are two more local authors. And to be honest, I think of them as someone who like to piggyback another person's work. These two are just adding some input regarding ethics in their point of view.

I wish they could just tone down on the religion.  And it's a damn Business Ethics textbook, not Religion teaching textbook.

Nonetheless, our lecturer only teach us on these two Afrikaners ideas. Well, it's a secular state. By state, I mean our state, well at least it is. So, another reason to sing
-Nkosi sikelel iAfrika, Maluphakanyis uphondo lwayo.......... sounds the call to come together, and united we shall stand, let us live and strive for freedom, in South Africa our land.....

p/s well, I think secularism is the ideal, considering the plurality of the nation.

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