I'm not against anybody praying for something, but recently, people tend to show off what they pray for.
To me it's insincere. Just like the ALS ice bucket. Majority did this because it is 'cool'.
Well, I don't have twitter. Which makes me agree with Max Black's (2 Broke Girls) statement.
"Twitter is stupid and Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read"
Again not all are using Twitter or Instagram for sharing 'trivial' daily life things.
In the Ice Bucket Challenge, one can choose not to donate by dousing him/herself with ice water. A convenient way to avoid donating for good cause while gain popularity on YouTube, which I reckon doesn't do much to drive more donation. Again not all, some did both, donating and making splash.
Same goes to hashtag Pray for phenomenon. Do they really pray, in their heart, or just on social media. If praying is as easy as Twittering... A bit like blasphemy. Is the blue bird, The God? And the rest of social media the demigods? Showing off piety to the world when indeed, it's just a publicity stunt, to show the world how pious they are, how good they are praying for the victims.
Which reminds me of a story, Mark 12:42, the rich were showing off how much money they gave for offering, while a poor widow humbly puts in a few coins, but Jesus regards her as someone who contributed the most.
Too bad, while some of the people who showed to to world that they pray for world peace is the one demonizing other religion, bringing prejudice and making a mountain out of a molehill. Probably a distant relative of Dracula and other vampires as they can't see any cross. Watching/reading too much Twilight??
p/s While most are using Twitter to show off their 'good intention', some are sincere. Yes, I did say majority, not all. If any of the reader do pray, sincerely, you are not among those pretentious pious people.
"Those who eats chillies... "
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