And one of my favourite show is 'Prophets' Trail'
Very informative. Yes, back in the 90's, it's more towards informative than dividing people of different race and religion.
It used to be aired for the whole of Ramadan. From that TV show, I got to know why the Balkans embrace Islam. Their reason is valid. Because it's a prophecy that there would be another prophet after Jesus. And it's Muhammad. A valid reason because it's stated in the Bible. Although so might call him a false prophet, but who are we to judge a person is the right or false prophet? All that matters is faith. Being faithful to God, doing good.
Instead of focusing on Muslim communities, the TV show also highlight some of the natives along the Prophet's trail. Like the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian. It's also from this programme that I know the Ethiopian year is different from normal year due to the gap in determining the Annunciation of Jesus.
And it teaches me how Islam is actually related to Christianity. Well, those were the days, when mass media just deliver the facts, instead of feeding hatred.
A TV show this evening is shocking. It's not the same TV show, but in the same slot. They are covering the Muslims in the Philippines. And according to the 'brainless' correspondence, the Christian majority country is oppressing the Muslim. The government does not fund Religious schools and that's oppressing? In fairness, the mission school in Philippines are funded by the Christians which happens to be the majority. They live in poverty because they are oppressed by the government? Baseless accusation. How about the slum dwellers in Manila? Those living on streets, those living on landfill. Are they all Muslim.
It's like 'You can't see the elephant next to you but you can see germs across the sea'
What about the minorities here? Even the word to refer God is debatable. It like saying that Christian God is less important than the Muslim's, when in fact both religion worship the same God, only with different ideas and style. At least in the Philippines, the Muslim can call their God as what they want...
The media is trying to make things 'sensational' by sowing hatred. Blaming all problems, the misfortunes on the Christians. To please the majority.
The TV show spoiled my mood. I thought of keeping positive in this holy month of Ramadan. Taking the opportunity to know more about Islam, reducing prejudice. But instead, the plan backfired. Maybe it's karma.
Anyway, I am only human being. Everyone is. Maybe they just overlooked it. It hurts but... they think that they are always right.
Indeed, a good month to practice patience.
p/s Maybe being the minority, maybe I could relate to the Muslim Filipinos better because we experience the same thing... well, both being the minorities. The silver lining behind it.
p/s/s We are still bitter from the fuss from the A-word... which just by saying it could be an uproar TO THE WESTERN and of course the western referred to the cockroaches living in the western part of the country.
p/s/s We are still bitter from the fuss from the A-word... which just by saying it could be an uproar TO THE WESTERN and of course the western referred to the cockroaches living in the western part of the country.
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