Having a Hebrew name, observing the Sabbath, although not always, not eating pork (initially an obligation, but now I developed allergic reaction if I eat any), some of my friend laughed at me when I told them I am a Christian (that was years ago). Well, while our concept of clean and unclean animal is the same, the preparation is not. I do cook meat with milk... so it's not Kosher. Probably due to this, some resorts to vegetarianism.
I wish one day I could travel to Israel, seeing how the Jews observe their Sabbath. Learning their culture and so on. All the information I get about Israel if from Wikipedia and Youtube. In this nation, Jews are depict as monster. Jewish Liverpool player was banned, Jewish orchestra conductor (or is it composer) banned from entering this country. This was made worse by our own version of Papa Doc Duvalier, blaming the Jews on economic recession which happens decades ago.
Ask anybody about Israel here, all you'll hear is 'lakhnatullah'. Yes, we were taught to be as hostile as possible to the Jews, which is wrong. Is it only here, or everywhere that people hates Jews so much?
In my opinion, the Jews become what they are (or at least how they are perceived) because of how they are treated. The Ghettoes and Nazi.
Even while watching Merchant of Venice, I do empathize the moneylender, Shylock. They lived in a ghetto, could not own anything, so they could only be dealing with money. They were oppressed. Something that history textbook failed to mention (I mean our school history textbook).
Yea, I do feel this nation is so f*****ked up, hating Jews like the Jews raped their mother. (just a figure of speech)
BTW, one of the national anthem I knew (I think I can sing fairly well) is Hatikvah. It's one of the six national anthems I can sing well, by well, without looking at the lyrics.
Yes, I am exited to have Israeli to read my blog. At least they know, not everyone here is anti-Israel.
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