Sunday, 5 July 2015

New Zealand is considering a new flag...

Heard it on CBC radio.

Well, I anticipated the new flag. What would it look like.

Honestly, the New Zealand Flag looks similar to her over the ditch neighbour's.

Hence the confusion

I laughed because I know both anthems, and it's the wrong one. How could you ask the Aussies to sing God Defend New Zealand. Waltzing Matilda maybe...

Clearly, some of the players smiled in amusement because it's silly. And the host, apparently, couldn't find Advance Australia Fair track. Maybe they should play 'Land Down Under' as a last resort... Jk.

Back to NZ blue ensign, some are against the change because the Kiwis fought the world wars under this flag. Quite a deep sentiment.

Well, having a new flag to represent your country has it's pros and cons. Money spent on the change would be remarkable. Imagine how many flags to be replaced. And what would you do with the old flag. Some other thing would change too, such as signage, and all things with the current flag. ANZ would have to paint new flag on every aircraft to correspond to the change. So yes, that's a significant amount of money. Not to forget the sentimental value.

However, a change would be a good thing too. The new flag could represent the country better. A good example would be the maple leaf. Whenever one sees a maple leaf, they would surely think about Canada. Maple leaf on Space station (Canadarm) for example. Canadians are very proud of their maple leafs. Almost everything link to Canada have maple leaf emblem. The red ensign, was something in the past. Yes, it's their former flag, but they are better represented with the maple leaf. And the red ensign is too elaborate. With it's lilies, maples, harps... lions... The new flag is easier to draw. 11 pointed maple leaf, 2 to 4 ratio, 1/4 red on each sides.

There are many designs submitted to the committee, most are beautiful. ferns, mountains, clouds... and the good old Southern Cross. I personally think those elements represents the New Zealanders better than the blue ensign.

Anyway, the one thing I respect most about New Zealand is their strive to preserve their identity. Starting to display more Maori culture. The anthem for example could be sung in Maori and English. Our national anthem comes with only one version. The dominant race language. They claim supremacy over all country, sidelining other natives of the land. And boring too. A copy from a French song. Ironically, France never colonize the country.

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