Thursday, 9 July 2015

Hating Jews without meeting one...

In this country, anything to do with Jews are frown upon... except Facebook, which is used to spread hatred towards Jews, Christians and the West.

It's hard to find Jew here. Used to have Jews living here years ago, but due to growing anti-Jewism (anti-Semitic is a misnomer...) they left.

Funny thing is, without any encounter with Jews, how did we first hate Jews? Based on stereotypes? Earlier this year... or late last year, a boy 'like' Israel on Facebook, and the whole school mocked him.

And, also last year, a couple decided to make their wedding more memorable by inviting their guest to step on the Israeli flag. Some defend their action as a protest towards Israel.

Boycotting is another thing that we excel in. Boycotting Americans and Israel. Last year, a worker in McD's was assaulted because of the 'alleged' link between McD with Israel. Baseless accusation but it happens. Well, the easiest way to boycott things here is to tell the public that the product helps/made by/anything to do with... Israel, or it contains porcine DNA... despite the process of istihalah etc etc. (Funny, alcohol is OK but pig?)

And the most amusing fact is, we worship Hitler because he killed Jews? Hitler is a hero here. He don't drink alcohol... he kills Jews... so he's a hero. Little did we know, if we were living in Germany at that time, we would be gassed to... Do you think Hitler would consider us Aryans? No... no matter how much whitening products we use, we are still non-white to the eye of Hitler. No matter how many Hail Hitler you said.

So, do the majority have power on who we support? Is it compulsory to hate Jews and help the Palestine? Anybody sitting on the fence is considered heartless. Heartless because apparently, we don't care their plights. They would spread pictures of Palestinian children killed or any gory pictures... blaming Israel.

First question, are we there to witness first-hand to judge? It is not right to stereotype. But the stereotype we have is Palestine is predominantly Muslim/Arab and Israel, Judaism/Jews. Being good brothers, we support our people. The media plays the news almost everyday (and nobody cares about Boko Haram... or ISIS until lately... media bias).

By calling Israel laknatullah or Nasrani laknatullah, does it means that we are pure, right and the truth? So the Israeli and Christians and the West would surely go to hell (according to popular belief here) but not our corrupt politicians... well, the politicians are not Jews or Christians or Western. Dangerous assumptions. Who knows that we were to be put in hell because of our baseless accusation and Jew bashing.

Before going into action, do some research. There are Muslims and Arabs in Israel. Are they laknatullah? And why is Fatah and Hamas always fighting? Fatah and Hamas doesn't seems to care about the plight, but fighting for power. Why are we helping Palestinian, if their government seems not to care. Publicity? Not against the Palestinian but there are many poor people in here. Aren't we supposed to help our people first. It's like "breastfeeding the monkeys in the jungle when our own child died of starvation at home..." Well, helping the locals don't bring much attention globally. We want to look good, even how crappy we are... crappy infrastructure, crappy management... but at least the Arab world respects us for helping the Palestinian (again I doubt that the Arab give a damn about Palestinian). Why aren't the Arabs helping Palestinians when they speak the same language, have similar culture than us. Ah yes, we are trying hard to be Arabs. Ya Habibi...

I think the mass media should give the facts... only the facts... world news should cover the world news, not only the Middle East. And instead of putting ideas into audience mind, let the audience think for themselves. Hell, our brain is rotting from the spoon-fed input/brainwashing. So Jason Lo is right about the news...

 Break prime time with surprise and lies

You're signed and sealed
With what you see with anybody else's eyes
You're talking the talk
But you ain't walking the walk man
One mike, one camera
And you become an educator
Can I trust you with my own
Give me time to believe
Those with too much power they fall down in history
Yea you might have us hanging onto your every breath
So be responsible
Learn to preserve, protect and respect
Not to destroy
Not to deplore
The angles of truth are so much harder to explore
And living your life is about waiting for the next test
So live for the moment
Cos it never turns out like you expect

And the majority should tone down on their supremacy agenda... ooooppppsss... I forgotten that they are Nazi/Hitler wannabes... Hitler is their God/Hero. Hence the overinflated ideas on supremacy. Think of it like Brain of Pinky and the Brain.

Yes, we are always the best. Everything is possible. No matter how crappy we are. Well, it's easy to have crappy things here, just blame them on Israel... potholes? Israel agenda to conquer the world... bad economy... blame Soros... missing craft... Israel...Even obesity, smoking/cancer, or drought... blame Israel. So basically, anything good is from us (yes us first, then God) and all bad things are from Israel and her allies i.e Western and Christians.

Well, what confuses me is Jews and Christians are people of the books... but at the same time the enemy?

Hating other race/religion blindly... because of stereotypes...

"Don't know so don't love" like the old sayings... Why don't we get to know any Jews, Palestinians, Arabs, Westerns, Eastern or Christians, Hindus, Buddhist first before we make our conclusion to either love or hate them? I mean at a personal level? Don't we like to know more about a person before hating that person?

Yes, we are weird... really REALLY WEIRD

*by 'we/us/our', I meant those who are anti-Jew, because they are the majority. So 'we/us/our' is used to represent the whole (insert my country) for the ease of writing this blog. Again, this is based on observation. Deny all you can, but it's happening.


And today, I went to McD, there are booklets, telling the customer how they are not anti-Palestine and so so... Does our anti-Jew sentiment that bad? Or is it just a boycott. Well KFC isn't affected by it despite being an American establishment. Yeah, funny. very very funny the way we think.

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