I was watching this
Basically, it's about feminine hygiene. Sharing. Considering that some of my readers are female, so it's good to share.
It's not relevant to me, but hey, I like new information. In this region, it's quite a 'taboo' for a men to discuss about feminine hygiene. Just watch the video in YouTube and you'll see a lot of men are 'offended' by this... offended??? by blood? or by vagina? Maybe those guys are delivered via LSCS. Vagina? Well, maybe because I had delivered babies in my life, so seeing or talking about vagina is not awkward.
If I were a girl. I would use this. Economical, green... no I mean it's the greener option... not the colour of menstrual. (Green... Beta haemolytic bacteria... actually alpha haemolysis is greener than beta)
Asians in particular are very conservative when discussing about virginity. Try to sell tampons here, I bet only a handful would buy them. Apparently, one can lose virginity to a tampon.
Over here, virginity is 'measured' with how intact the hymen is. So, tampons could ruin your hymen? Well, I'm not a girl, but it's tampon, not a dildo... tampon is small, short, and I doubt it could affect on hymen. And guys, be open minded. Torn hymen doesn't mean that the girl is not virgin. And how do you inspect one's hymen? Or you are too ego to admit that your dick isn't the first thing to be in your girls vajayjay... Guys, always want to be the first to... ah you know it.
There are some concern regarding to Diva cup... most are from the comments by the viewers.
How to pee when using Diva cup? Hey, do girls even know that they pee from different hole? Maybe we Asians should explore our vaginas better. (by we/our I meant the girls) So you can pee as usual. Well, it's anatomy 101.
Does it hurt? Or uncomfortable? Well, I don't have the answer. But Sacha has been using them for more than a decade.
Would it get stuck? I seriously doubt it. It's a cup, held inside the vagina. And vagina is not that deep. It's not the Indian Ocean where a large jetliner could gone missing...
Again the main issue here is virginity. Personally, I think, if it's not sex, you are still a virgin. And I doubt men know the difference between a virgin and not virgin. Unless if you have a label on your forehead telling the world that you are not virgin? Or brag about losing them to certain man.
Well, you could just go to the link that I've attached, and ask Sacha personally. She's Canadian, so you can just ask her in English.
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