2 years ago, my late cousin died of pancreatic cancer. Early morning.
So when I thought of her, I crossed my finger that nobody died today.
Which proved me wrong. Despite crossing my fingers very hard, my former English teacher died. Apparently of liver disease (I don't know the exact cause, stated on the Facebook page sent by my brother, it's liver disease)
Maybe it a special day for those suffering of hepatobiliary diseases to die today. A slot. Just like TV program. A special slot for patents of these diseases to die.
Sounds like I am making fun of people's death. I'm just hiding my emotion. It's sad. I barely recover from my cousin's death. Again I not the kind who wear my heart on the sleeve. I would like to think that my heart is a cold, void, dark space, maybe a ghost town (thank Adam Lambert for filling in the words for me). And I think those who click the like button on Facebook is wicked. They LIKE death?!!
It's shocking. She looks healthy when she taught us. And I argued with her several times. One of our argument was about viola and violin. She asked the students to list stringed musical instruments. I mentioned violin... and viola. (Here, violin is also called a viola... albeit different size and tones).
The other time was when she made a sarcasm at us for not cleaning our area, which is a plot of land on the school compound. Apparently, it's a misunderstanding. The prefect thought that it's our 'area' when it's not our. I was surprised that we neglect our area. When I was there with some of my classmate doing our work earlier that day. The area in question was in fact other class' area, which is on our way to the rubbish dump. We always collect trash on our way to throw the rubbish, even though it's not our area. Responsibility. Which the prefect mistook that area as ours.
The prefect went to our class during English period, and when we were about to leave the class, our late English teacher reminded the class in a sarcastic way,
"Next time, do your job before entering my class. Don't disrupt my class"
She had a point. But she directed the sarcasm to the wrong person. Off we went... and returned a few minutes later.
"Madam, apparently the 'holier than thou, authoritative, and power-hungry' prefect mistook the said area with ours. I know it's not our because we've collected the rubbish this morning, with other prefect."
The only person to blame on disrupting the class was the prefect. She should have known which plot was whose. Instead of assuming that the plot was ours. Yes we picked up trash in that area, just because we passed by that area every morning. It's called a responsibility. And apparently, that plot belonged to her class (which is our rival class...)
1) being nit picking... just to pass the blame on rival class
2) not doing her job. Had she supervised the area that morning, the incident wouldn't happen and we were to be blamed by our teacher for not doing our job???
3) slandering??? she should have investigated who's in charge of that place.
Well, in our local jargon, the prefect is 'ACTION'... using her power to order people. I was elected as one but declined. I just want to have more time with my friends. And live like a normal school boy.
Yes, we argued, but no hard feeling towards Mdm H. I would do the same if my class was interrupted by silly, avoidable disruption.
Do you ever experience bossy prefect, who thinks that they rule the school... or the most popular being in school? I personally think that prefect are the most uncool person in school. But the rest think the opposite. Perks? What perks? an excuse to police around? bossing people. And my ex-schoolmates, who used to be my friends... I just don't keep in touch with them. They are judgmental, bossy and nit-picker. So I avoid them at all cost. And also the Math's project fiasco.
And which task do you like the most? Well, in this region, school are maintained (at least the cleanliness) by the students. We don't have janitors or groundskeeper... or any cleaning staff. (cheap skate???) So we sweep the floor, or clean the window panes (louver/jalousie windows... that's a pain in the ass) or arranging the tables or emptying the bins. At some school, students could opt to work outside, collecting trash in their respective area. I like the latter the most, if there is any. More freedom. Not confined in the class. A good exercise too.
p/s RIP Mdm H.
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