Monday, 6 July 2015

Double standard... homophobes who gets orgasm when looking at Matt Bomer.

Yes, Matt Bomer is cute. Yep, he is. (read this in an envious tone...)

I like watching his movies or TV series. He's quite a good actor. And gay. I like him. He's my dream man??? Well, like I said earlier, I am very liberal. Say if a man loves me and I loves him back, there's no reason not to get married. So yes, I am pro LGBT. No law should prohibit a person to love another person. Even if they are of different religion. I'm just saying. There's no need to hate the gays. They are fun, witty and smart.

In the past, I got offended if people mistook me as gay. Now, I think it's a complement. Like they said, hot men are either taken,  or gay. So using Boolean Logic, I'm hot, because I am definitely not taken. Don't get me wrong. I'm not getting out of the closet. I just think, nah, it's good to have gays. Less competition to straights. Am I gay or bisexual or straight? I love girls, I love boys... but not in an erotic way. Platonic. Maybe asexual? But I had a girl crush... and also man-crush... Haha... Maybe I am Q... questioning...

Putting my sexuality aside... So gay bashing. A friend of mine thought that the US legalizing gay marriage is another step into doomsday. Apparently, gays are the reason behind all the disasters. Kinda funny. I kinda think that God love everyone. He would not hate the gays. He made them? Even if He hates the idea behind gay relationship, He still loves us. Sodom and Gomorrah? Maybe? I may be wrong, I may be right... Sometimes, it's funny when the minister said that God loves everyone... and the next moment, God hates the gays... Contradicting.

But being gay could not be the reason behind all misfortunes in this world.

So hating gays, but loving hot gays... is a double standard. Just because a gay men is handsome, good-looking and dashing, suddenly you like gay men??? Eh girl, even if you like them, they would not turn straight just because of you. Another misconception is being gay is a choice. It's like hmmmm... today, let me be gay... and the next day, how about straight today. Even a hermaphroditic organism would not change their sex as fast as a second.

So, do I hate gays? I LOVE them... unless if they are annoying me. Yes, some are annoying... like straight men too, some are annoying.

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