Friday, 24 July 2015

Why block the whistle blower, not punishing the crime/injustice?

There's a big hoo-haa going on. I would not describe further because the chief police might read this blog and put me in lock-up. Yes, our chief police likes twitters and social medias. Attacking bloggers and oppressing freedom of speech.

An independent news was blocked. A whistle blowers to be exact. Which is my favourite.

The site was exposing something (which again, I'm not going to disclose, risky) and the site was blocked for defaming the 'Big Boss'.

Injustice. The Big Boss is not God. Well, if this still happens in the next few decades, North Korea might be milder than us. Any form of speech against the government is 'illegal'. The Big Boss is a demigod. And we are more concern about impressing the other nations with our towers and such, but our people are oppressed.

Anti Israel, with media condemning Israel 24/7 in the national news, saying that they oppressed the Palestinian (While they are robbing us like how they tell everybody how Israel is stealing Palestinian's land) To the extent of worshiping Der Fuhrer.


A day to celebrate the province's own independence day. Kinda like our own Cinco de Mayo (if we were from the State of Puebla). Except, it was not recognized in the nation. Well, the auspicious date wasn't mentioned in the History Textbook (with the education system politicized, what more could you expect? of course the ruling party would do anything to cover their ass and to brainwash the students that our independence day is in the following month, their independence day)

It's an important day albeit a working day. So true blue (insert the demonym for people from my province) would join the parade or walk as we called them to commemorate our neglected but the real independence day.

But the chief police was not happy. Saying that was against his order.


The independence day that we've been celebrating all this while is actually another regular day for us. Nothing significant to us.


At least the whole world know that we are serious in getting what we demand. Autonomy as agreed half a century ago. Fulfilling the agreements.

The Province Big Boss told the media that he understands the sentiment (well, he's our people, of course he understand). Well, I hope the Province's Big Boss would walk the talk into more autonomy and better infrastructure.

Speaking of infrastructure, we have incomplete highway, while in the other part of the country, they are making more. Not enough highways? Oh B**lsh*t! They have limited resources, but their infrastructures are better (but still not enough) While our rich in resources state looks poor, with less than satisfactory infrastructures. Where does the money goes? Of course to the other part of the country. The western part. Sucking our resources from unfair royalties.


Imagine a modern world French Revolution

The Big Boss(es) are like Marie and Louis. Living an opulent life, while the citizen is in dire.

I can't wait to see Marie and her big hair and Louis executed in public.

Let's bake cakes... gateau...


p/s this post is either a fiction or real. I don't put any names or exact places, so it could be a place in my imagination or the reality.

p/s/s who eats Jalapeno feel hot (direct translate from a popular adage)

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