Friday, 3 July 2015

Jo is looking for a typewriter...

Jo and I had a brunch this afternoon, a legacy from the past. A decade ago, we had a group brunch every Friday afternoon. Keeping up with each other's stories.

So, Jo told me she is looking for a typewriter. I thought she was kidding, or maybe using the typewriter as a home decoration, a conversation piece.

I was wrong. She is serious. Even looking for them online. She wants to start writing. So I suggested blogging. Blogging is not an option. A hassle she said. Switching on the computer, logging in, internet connections... All she wants is to write or actually type her thoughts. And also the nostalgic tapping and dinging sounds. Like how I miss the scratchy sound quality of gramophone. Which I would buy if I have enough money.

Like me, she wants to start writing to vent out her frustrations or ideas, without hurting other's feeling. Privacy is her other concern. Actually, that's why I use modified names, don't disclose where I am or my identity. What I type might bring me to court. And also I just don't trust the government. Saying so might lead me into imprisonment. hence the anonymity.

Typewriter is not an option for me, because I'm dyslexic and I really need to spellcheck. Another reason is, it's my way to tell the world albeit anonymously. This is my version of social media. And maybe a little bit of personal pride. I like watching the stats in this blog. Thanks for reading. I have some Indonesian readers recently. Makasih ya! Kerna sudi baca blog saya. And Canadians... maybe Sacha Stevensons.

Well, I would encourage people to blog. It is indeed therapeutic...

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