Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Library... borrowing architecture books.

I was at the library.

I live in a tropical climate and we are too frugal. No AC. So I am looking for ideas to control the climate.

I borrowed Cuban architecture, Singaporean architecture, Living Wall and Roof etc.

The Librarian asked me

"So, you're building a house?"

I replied "More like building castle in the skies." Being sarcastic.

Well, if I live in a perfect world, I would be an architect.

You people are so AC dependent. Yes, we build nice beautiful houses... modern looking or western, without verandah. No verandah, hot house. Hot house = AC.

Vernacular architecture exists to adapt to local climate. So, I like vernacular houses more. Queenslanders are cute. With wrap around verandah. So is Southern Houses, Charleston Houses on stilt with verandah.

Speaking of Cuba, yayyyyyyyyyyy. Cuba is a nice country, rich in culture. It's a good move. And Canadian could not brag about vacationing in Cuba to Americans...

Americans... first legalize same sex marriage, then Cuba... now, who's copying who...

(p/s Obama is a Canadiophile??? yes? no?)

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