Friday, 3 July 2015

Free betta food - blood worm?

I was waiting for Jerry when I spotted blood worms and mosquito larvae in the drain. This picture were taken this afternoon, after I 'unclog' the drain. Still dirty but at least the water is flowing and mosquito larvae magically diminished. Well most of it. The bane of living near the slums. I cleaned the drain last month and it clogged again. Those urchins are throwing rubbish into the drain. I feel like stuffing rubbish into their anus. To give a hard but definitely effective lesson. 

This afternoon, one boy gave me a middle finger for no apparent reason. Yeah. I do wish a fire would raze down the slums. But again, some are good peoples. Those people whom I could easily distinguish form the rest. Those who dressed properly on Sunday to go to their church. They are the least annoying of all slum dwellers. 

I do hate the rest. Making public nuisance with loud revving. They could buy loud motorbikes but not a proper home? Some would get drunk every weekend, making noises at midnight. They get municipal water illegally, and the council collects their rubbish, when we paid our municipal tax while they don't. We are paying the municipal to collect those urchin's rubbish, and they still litter. And their brain is dirty too for giving me middle fingers.


Forget about them. Let's go to the main agenda of this topic (and I sound like a chairman in the AGM).  Whoops! Sorry for the bad picture. I looks good just now. Apparently too much reflection. If you can see the red objects in the top middle, that's the blood worm. More pictures below. 

My apparatus. A fish net attached to a broom handle, and a pail full of water. 

Yesterday, I did some harvesting too. But it's too tedious. I scooped the water into the pail, and then separating the worms from the drain water. Not efficient! So finally, I just let the fish loose in the pail and they do the harvesting themselves. 

Today, instead of separating them in the pail, the separating was done in situ. The fish net is to scoop the blood worms only. Not with the filthy water and the organic matters. So, I dip the net in the drain, scoop the worms which is actually larvae. Release them in the pail by shaking the net. 

This is how they look like.


And again

After I cleaned the water. Well, actually replace and filter and replace again. Mind you, the drain water is smelly.

Beau enjoying his meal. Little did he know it's from the drain... and free! Shhhh!

Imagine foods on you roof. Manna? Well, Beau had his first hand experience. (Actually, I gave his twice his actual meal today... so literally a manna, falling more on Friday, but none on Sabbath)

Today I only harvest the blood worms. They can survive flowing water, mosquito larvae survives only in stagnant water. Since I've cleared the drain, the water is flowing. Yesterday I do get a lot of mosquito larvae. And put them in a sealed bottle. A few hours later, some larvae hatched into a juvenile mosquito. Which I drowned and feed hem to Beau. And Beau belly looks significantly larger, like a pregnant lady. Oh dear! I overfed him again. Crossing fingers. 

While I was harvesting the larvae, some of my neighbour looked at me in a strange, confused manner. To me, this is some sort of a science experiment. A lot of observation needed. I bet entymologist would do this for science. Having some basic in entymology, I know the mosquitoes are of Mansonia species. No distinct stripes/marking like the Aedes. Yes, medical student's in tropical countries need to know the vectors. So entymology is part of the syllabus.

To other Asians, I am just playing with dirt like crazy man. In Asia, science related job is a clean, sterile, lab-like job.  With white coats. But I don't really fit into typical Asian standards. First of all, I quit medical school, which is the most 'unAsian' thing to do.

And Asians really hate crazy people. Like really. Tell any random people you have mental disorder. The next moment, nobody would be in a hard reach radius from you. Apparently, Asians think it's contagious. 

Well, they should thank me instead for controlling the mosquitoes population. My next door neighbour is not at home. Uncle PCK is away for more than a month. So nobody scoop the dirt from the drain. He's an avid gardener, and he uses the drain water to water his plant. Yes, we the pioneer in recycling the grey water (now I brag like a typical Asian... thinking that we invented everything). Now not everybody do this. Nobody really do gardening. They prefer playing games in their air conditioned homes and passing judgement on people who scoops/clears the clogged drain. 

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