Friday, 24 July 2015

I'm a feminist... don't expect me to be a gentleman...

We were hiking this afternoon. Jerry, his girlfriend Deb, and another 2 more girls... and I.

It's my third time hiking the trail and the first for the others. So I have to slow my pace. Well, I'm not that fast anyway. I usually hike at noon, when nobody is around. It's hot in a hot humid island, so nobody of a sane mind would hike. Heatstroke hazard.

It's different in the late afternoon. There are lot's of fellow hiker hiking the hill.

Jerry's girlfriend was not feeling well. Menstrual pain. Cramp. She has a strong will to finish the track. Very determined. Which is why I respected her. And Jerry is not into PDA. So it's less awkward to hang out with the couple.

She was fine until the end of the trail. Well, like I said very determined. She had menstrual cramps, and headache. Well, imagine an anaemic huffing and puffing up and down the hill. I didn't know that she was not in her best condition until she crouched in pain. Had Jerry told me earlier, I would at least slow down or use the easiest trail. Maybe Deb doesn't think that's a big deal. So she kept mum.

Upon realizing that she is not well, I asked her what's the matter. She had vomitted. And I just sat there staring at the vomitus. The others are looking away. Yes, it's disgusting to see vomitus, but I've seen a lot worse. Scooping poops and examine them under the microscope. Water broke and splashed on my trousers, Bloods everywhere. Yes, I sat there and watch and encouraged her to vomit more.

And of course, taking a deep breath to ease her cramp. Increase oxygen demand, because she's hiking and a bit anaemic, losing blood from menses to add spiciness into this situation. Well, I've always have paracetamol handy.

That's not even the highlight of the story. See, nothing relates to feminism.

A few minutes later, a gentleman told us to call the ambulance. To him, I am not gentleman enough to care about my unwell friend.

I was close to sass him. If I were, this is how I would do it

"Eh uncle, she still can stand it ok. And this is not an emergency to call an ambulance. And the medical assistants in the ER would not entertain us. Ok"

Well, I've been posted to the ER. A granny was sick, just a 'minor' one, but she demands to be seen the first. She was then scolded by the medical assistant for making a scene. I was a student then, so I don't dare to go against the medical assistants. In this region, medical assistants think that they are the doctors, sometimes exceeding the doctor's ego. They don't study medicine like doctor's but they are respected like the doctors by the community. Hence, their ego.

So I sat there, comforting Deb, asking her to take a deep breath to compensate the high oxygen demand and not hesitate to vomit. She did apologized for vomiting in front of me though, but seeing people vomit is less disgusting than watching the local drama. Too cliche, and too cheesy.

Before proceeding with his hiking, the 'gentleman' uncle told us (sarcastically) "She might be fine now, but in the next 4-5 years, it could get worse"

I was close to ask him if he studied medicine before... or is he trying to cast a spell on us. F***k you Uncle McConcern holier-than-thou-wiser-than-thou...

I hate such attitude.

Women are weaker... they said, so gentlemen need to protect them. HELL NO! Women can defend themselves. Only men with bad intention makes them seem weak. So instead of being a gentleman why not make the world a better place for women... instead of protecting them from the wicked world?

So much with their damsel in distress. That's patronizing. Yes, we have a lot of so called gentlemen, but they are pervert too. Like that man who complaints on a certain gymnast's attire. Too revealing, too sexy. Yes, instead of looking there, why not turn your gaze. And those men said that they are there to protect women? You should protect women from yourself, not for yourself. Women would be safer if such men respect women as somebody as capable as men and if such men stop objectifying women.

What, you think women are so frail, so stupid, could not stand pain, that I need to call an ambulance? That's so dramatic, for a menstrual cramp. And you think that's she is the weaker sex, that the cramp is life threatening? I women could not withstand pain, how do you explain your mother giving birth to you? Obviously, he's never been to the labour suite, seeing women in labour pain, but still strong enough to push babies out. Very strong, very determined. That's weak? And that couldn't compare to tattooing pain (yeah, that gentleman have tattoos, not full sleeve, on his arm. Maybe he could not tolerate pain... but showing off the tattoo to impress girls?)

I'm not a woman, but I'm a feminist. If I were a girl, I would wave my hand in front of the man (kinda like the Ghetto gesture... the 'Puta' gesture) and told the man to stop acting gentleman and mind his own business.

Yes, gentleman and bimboes, those are people whom feminist hates. Bimbo for degrading their own sex, acting like they need men's help... everytime.

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