The funny thing was, the duo gave me the excuse that they wanted to ask for permission but nobody is at home. I was at the backyard when I listened to a thud. So I confronted them. So if there's nobody at home, you have the permission to steal? Yes they avoid at all cost not calling their action stealing in this holy month, (okay last month,) Their rationale was, they were asking for permission but nobody is at home. Well, there was no permission. No one was giving them the permission.
"So, if there's nobody at home, it's right to take without permission?"
They apologized, one of the duo sang a song on forgiving each other... yeah Eid. So I left the scene to get my phone. While I was away, they took the coconuts. Oh, that coconut would be 'haaram' it's stolen goods. So that coconuts are as haaram as porks and alcohol. First attempted stealing, then cheating.
The initial agreement was to not getting the coconut becomes the opposite. They have the audacity to ask for forgiveness and then do the same mistake in less than a minute?
Yeah in their mind, crooked idea of right, they have the permission.
Am I stingy? No, they are carrying a sack of coconuts, which I think should be enough. Maybe they took the coconut and then selling them at the bazaar. They get the money, while we who owns the tree gain nothing... losing coconuts in facts.
Is the Ramadhan Bazaar a good idea? No! Yes it helps the honest men to get more income, but at times, encourage stealing? Which is opposite to the idea of fasting? And it also encourage gluttony. An acquaintance I knew, Mr McClingy, once bought a lot of foods from the bazaar for himself. I asked him why fasting in fasting month when you eat like for 5 person yourself. The idea behind Ramadhan is empathizing the poor. But you eat like a king?
And coconut water sold in the bazaar are tasteless. Know I know some of it is stolen. It's HAARAM!
Well, I wish that the men stealing the coconuts couldn't pass urine for days... and ruptured their bladder. And their penis turns into pussies. Like real pussies.
Wahahahahahahaaaaaaa... wicked laugh!
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