Sunday, 23 November 2014

Baking nad chatting.

Now I realize that I spelled and as nad... damn dyslexia!

After sending my mother to the airport, realizing that I would be alone at home, I thought I can do anything I want to. Running naked, jumping out from the roof or mezzanine level or go window shopping. My window shopping turns into serious shopping. What can I say, I am metrosexual... we love shopping (actually it's also an excuse when we guys have shopping frenzy like girls... just say "I'm a metrosexual", one would stop questioning you)

In my list of to see is a candy thermometer, ice packs, yup I still can't see one here and some groceries. So naturally, I'll stop at a kitchen supplies store to find a candy thermometer. 38 bucks? Okay maybe next time. And I continue to browse through the store. Then I saw a parchment paper. A reusable parchment paper. 10 bucks, hell yeah! (that how cheapskate Asians are) So I bought one. And an idea came to me. I came to a realization, I can just mess up the kitchen because my mother is away. So I planned to bake some cookies.

After buying half of the items, I drive through a nearby bazaar, my actual birthplace. Some of my friends houses are there. So I pass by my oldest bestie's house at Ginger street. Next I texted her if she is here.

We exchange texts and eventually, we wanted to have a chat, via phone. All my ingredients are ready and I called her. We chated throughout my baking process. That why, mobile phones have hands free setting. So I baked and chatted. Kinda fun...

So I would like to thank my bestie to 'accompany' me throughout the baking process.

My next post would probably about my baking.

Insya-alright, I'll post the pictures too.

*Insya-alright - that what my bestie said... lol its a portmanteau of Insyaallah and everything gonna be alright. Insyaallah is Arabic for God's willing

Bye for now, I need to see my cookies. Crossing fingers

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