It's always good to serve and smile. It's a sign of hospitality. It tells that you are happy to serve, you are happy to help. It makes you more approachable by your client. And a smile can be contagious. You'll tend to smile back if somebody smiles at you. It our second nature to smile back if everything is in concordance. To smile back is to reciprocate or to show agreement. A baby would smile back. It's one of the milestone. In paediatrics, that's mean a baby is normal. Babies starts to smile at the age of 6-8 weeks.
But a smile can be creepy. So be careful to whom, where or when you want to smile.
Imagine, a doctor is smiling when you are at the ward. No so creepy eh! How about smiling before doing a procedure such as withdrawing blood? Kinda creepy. He might be a sadist. Or blood crazy. How about a surgeon smiling before an operation? CREEPY. Yes, a doctor can smile but give a sincere smile. Smiling while maintaining eye contact. Or smile coyly, if you're flirting. Well, doctors seldom smile. They are too tired to smile. They are like walking zombies looking for freshly brewed coffee. And by smiling a lot, you'll get bullied. Experienced by yours truly. And an always smiling doctor? One my doubt his credibility or sanity.
But, I still smile. It makes the world happier (at least, just to show the world that you're happy, isn't is kind of showmanship*?) And I got bullied by the nurses. Well, they would bully you but not as harsh as in house doctors. A nurse would bully just to tease you. Their excuse, it's the only time they can bully a medical student. But it would not last long. To survive in a ward one has to build good rapport with the nurses. They would bully you to help them withdraw blood, or measure temperature of measure blood sugar level. But, when exam comes, they would 'leak' some cases to you. They would tell you which patient is our subject for tomorrow's exam. The brief history. One even help me measure the patient's blood pressure during my exam. If they enjoy working with you as a student, they would help you to pass the exam because to them it's better to work with a humble doctor.
Building rapport with nurses is a good thing but some would misinterpret your action. An 'unethical' public health doctor** said I am flirting with the nurses. In his classes, he would give an example of nurses doctor relationship, and would mention my name as if I am a womanizer or 'nursenizer'. But the nurses know that my intention is genuine as I never flirt with any of them. Stupid lecturer, spreading false rumour. Just thinking of him makes me angry. His nepotism, his hypocrisy, his big mouth with no confidentiality. In one word, unethical. There's a story about him and a nurse. He was rejected by a nurse. Sourpuss! Maybe I should tell who he is, maybe not. But not this time.
Back to the main topic. Smiling can make you look good. Just look at Jason Godfrey. He's always smiling in photos. That where bigsmilenoteeth comes from (perhaps). Doesn't he look charming and handsome. To hear me compliment about other men, that means he's super adorable. Yup adorable as I have not a tint of green in my eye; I'm not jealous. Only adorable men makes me look at them twice without feeling jealous. Ok this starts to sound homoerotic. STOP. He's funny too, should read his column. And he's CANADIAN!!! I just wish he's my brother.
So keep on smiling, sincerely
*showmanship = an act during examination. To show the examiner that you know how to perform physical examination even when you're clueless. A doctor or an actor?
Well doctors always claim that they are a part actor, a part judge, a part lawyer, having a graceful hand of the maiden, eye of an eagle, heart of the lion, a detective, a journalist, a clerk, a police, etc. Sounds greedy eh?
**refer to some of my earlier post
and here's my favourite male model, Jason Godfrey.
Can you give me some of your good looks dear Jason. Just kidding.
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