Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Monster High Doll


Finally, I got to see the end product.

Ironman packing microwaveable popcorn.

I got my best friend exited when I brought microwaveable popcorn to her workplace. She is so exited, she waited in front of the microwave, watching the popcorn pop in the bag. It's kinda like watching the laundry spinning in the front loading washing machine. You wait and asked yourself, "what next?". The anticipation. Just like my 'exitedness' to watch this video. Something to remind me of those good memories I had.

And it's always fun to work with Mr. Carter.  

1 comment:

  1. Ahahaha merapu! Did I tell you that he accidentally left Ironman under the sink overnight? Dude spent the night with rotten rodent carcasses until I rescued him the morning after.

    The new son he got in Japan. LOL. I'm gonna miss doing videos with you too.
