My sister is one of my regular client. Her questions range from which electric drill to buy, to which anti-fungal cream is better? Almost everything, you name it. Refrigerator, washing machine, clothes, fish, even condom. Yup! asking a virgin which condom to buy. She even asked me which brand to buy; Bosch or Black & Decker to Hitachi or Panasonic.
My brother seldom ask which product is better. He is more concern about service. Which bank is better, which wine shop, which mechanic. Sometimes he would ask, which perfume to buy or vacuum cleaner. Or how to cook something. Knowing him, he'll pay for the groceries and I would prepare the food. He won't cook, it's just a hint that he craves something.
My mother asked more on medication. What is this, what is that, Which cream is better, Which shampoo is better. Or when we go for shopping, she would even ask me which bra is better. Since I always go for bra shopping (not for me of course!), I memorize her size, in cm and cup. She would even ask which pot or pan or wok is better. It seems that I am the only one in the family who can distinguish hard anodized or enamel or ceramic non stick. Or cast iron, or aluminium or stainless steel. Or Le Creuset or Tramontina or Tefal.
Maybe, I should apply for a job with Good Housekeeping magazine or maybe start one if I am rich enough. Imagine trying on roasting pans, or electrical appliances, or new gadgets and give them a review. Roasting pan A - price *, durability ****, ease of use ***. cleaning ****. overall star ***
Roastin pan B.... I think you got what I'm trying to say. If you don't, subscribe to Good Housekeeping.
Or maybe start a column like Ask Heloise?
And a few hour after I post the blog above, my sister called me. She just mention juicer and I intercept by, "You should buy a slow juicer, but it's quite expensive....". She replied "Eh! how do you know that I'm about to ask which Juicer is the best?"
1732 km telepathy. Yup, I mentioned Hurom or Primada, but the principle are still the same. She thinks that they are expensive, and ask on my opinion on regular juicer. Then I told her a manual slow juicer which is cheaper and practical.
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