I'm a Canadiophile. Well, you must have known from my blog's name.
Somehow, that amuses some of my acquaintances. I often hear "What is it with you and Canada?" or "Canada? Really?"
One of the famous landmark in my hometown is named after Canada. So growing up, Canada seems to be a land beyond the hill. Maybe a land full of magic and surprises.
Canadians are kind and polite too! They'll buy you candy when your mother is in the hair saloon doing her perm.
At least, that is how I think about Canada as a child.
When I was 11, there was a storm in Canada. The storm caused power failure. Some died of hypothermia. Living on the equator, never experienced extreme cold weather, I thought why on Earth would somebody died of coldness? In the sweltering heat, I asked my father, let's go there! My father a no nonsense man replied "Stupid!". Hey, he had been to the Europe. He had been to the UK and the Netherlands. He experienced winter. I've never been out of this island.
I grew up listening to Canadian singers. Alanis Morissette is my favourite. In the past, Canadians are the best musician. Sarah McLachlan, Celine Dion.
I also grow up watching Angela Anaconda and Yvon of Yukon.
Some say Canada has the most concentration of left-handers. And if my birthday falls on Monday, it coincide with Thanksgiving.
That explains why I am a Canadiophile. And visiting Canada is in my bucket list. Maybe, my parallel universe is in Canada. That is why I have a strong affinity to The Great White North.
Hey, it's Saturday. I need to check Matthew Santoro's youtube channel
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