Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Handsome smart young men cycling...

Sounds like a line from romance novel. But that's what I'm about to rant today...

The line refers to some young men, wearing shirts, slacks and ties, cycling under the hot tropical sun. Yup, the Latter Day Saints missionary.

There's a lot of stigma surrounding this so called 'cult'.

First, I respect those young men very much. Cycling in business casual attire under the hot sun just to spread the words of God (or at least their version of word of God, hey who are we to judge who's religion is true). I often ponder, "It must be hotter in Utah than here. That's why they acclimatize easily". (again with my Mormon stereotype and Utah)

I've never met one so I can't really say something about their religion. But, cycling under the sun, I respected them for than... cycling under the sun in foreign country, I respect them even more... cycling under the sun to tell the world about their believe... that's even hotter. (no wonder they have missionary calendar with hot missionary/model... well that's what cycling do to your body) Link below for the calendar.

Although their doctrine are different from other Christians, as a good Christians we must not mock them for their belief. It is their right to worship what they want to worship. Problem with so-called religious-pious Christians. They think that they are right and have the right to condemn other denomination. What if you bring them in for a discussion, and agree to disagree. They might be some exchange of ideas and more understanding towards each other's religion.

So, if Christians, lose those stigma and try to see the good in them. After all, all religion teaches us to be good to others. Maybe offer them some drinks, like Abraham and his 3 visitors. Who knows, they might bring good news or like the Samaritan at the well.

If you're strong enough with your believe, nobody can change them. So try to open up and see how others see the world.

Peace and love

p/s No I'm not advertising or proselytizing for the LDS church. I just admire their passion in spreading their religion.

Link for those calendar
Don't they look hot? I know they're hot because I'm getting jealous. Let's start cycling.

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