As a non-Muslim, Arabic is not a compulsory subject in school. Even for the Muslim, it's not compulsory. I wish I had learn Arabic. Arabic is one of the elective subject in our faculty. My friend and I tried to get ourselves enrolled into the Arabic class. We were rejected because we don't know basic Arabic.
In this region, Arabic is always associated with Islamic class. When I told my colleague (non-Muslim) my intention to learn Arabic, their responds were "Are you going to convert to Islam?".
So back to the title. Qalb and qalb. One is heart the other is dog. I didn't know they are homonym until I attended a talk in college. The speaker said something about love. It leads to how couples say their feeling. And he rectified on the proper pronunciation of Heart in Arabic. "You have to pronounce it correctly, otherwise you'll say "Your love is in my dog" to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Arabic and Hebrew are in my list of foreign language I wish to learn... even basic Arabic and Hebrew.
My best friend, who's quite fluent in Arabic (she's just being humble by saying her Arabic is rusty) help me sometimes.
I know Yom in Hebrew is day and Ain in Hebrew is eye. Well, it's almost similar to Arabic. My bestie told me in Arabic, it's Youm and Ain. And she would say "Of course, both are Semite language... and anti-Semitic is sometimes a misnomer. Calling an Arab anti-Semitic is non-sense"
Some of Arabic word/name I know
Saif means sword, Saifullah means God's sword.
Abdul means servant, Abdullah means servant of God
Nur is light. Nur ain is light of the eye...
Once there was a patient named Salihin. My friends think that it's a nice name. So I verified myself "It means faithful right?" They replied "Something like that, I'm not sure... Hey, how do you know?" I know Salih means faithful because our version of O come o ye faithful is called Mari Orang Saleh.
I can't tell you the translations are accurate. I don't know much Arabic. So correct me if I'm wrong.
By the way. my qalb is in my qalb... literally. I miss my dog.
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