Sunday, 2 November 2014

Hot hot caliente...

I live on a tropical island. It's always hot and humid. Most would imagine a tropical island as breezy and balmy. People from temperate region would envy us for living in 'paradise'. What paradise? A paradise would be breezy and balmy. Hot and humid, it's a few steps away from hell... (I know I am being hyperbolic... no it's not that hot, it's just 32 centigrade... no biggie)

Living in one of the hottest region (again with the hyperbole) We are still positive. We still think that our country is not that hot. Still bearable.

The town where I grew up, has a foreign university. The students are from every corner of the map. So, one fine Saturday, a group African, South African and Zimbabwean to be exact attended a church service. A man trying to break the ice (what ice? it's hot, no ice), asked " How do you find it here? Is it cooler than Africa?" The Africans replied "It's hotter here than in South Africa. We can grow apples in South Africa".

Is it just us or all over the world. We tend to think Africa as the hottest continent on earth. Blame it on the media. Africa is often portrayed as arid, hot, dessert, famine, war. Some parts of Africa are nice and beautiful. I would kill to have to live in a beautiful like Cape Town. Beautiful scenery and beautiful weather. (Weatherwise, a classmate of mine grew up in SA. He told me the weather is just fine. Not too cold, not too hot. An Afrikaner pastor also said the same thing, same goes with the uni students. )

The Afrikaner pastor and I share the same name... :P

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