Sunday, 23 November 2014

Brilliant people can have dyslexia too...

Yesterday, while talking with my oldest bestie on the phone, I told her one of the reason I quit medical school is dyslexia. I have mild dyslexia but it can get worse under extreme stress.

"Really! Impossible! You are very smart. Dyslexic can't be as smart as you..."
A common misconception. I would say 95% wouldn't believe if I say I had dyslexia. But after some through explanation, she sees it. Pony is my considered oldest best friend. We've been friends for 20 years now. I've known some friends before her but we don't keep in touch. So, Pony is the oldest friend that I have whom I still keep in touch with. We met when we were 6/7 years old. She's my classmate.

So I explained "Remember when we were in Standard 1, I am just an average student? I still remember I'm in the 14th placing in the class. You are among the top 10." "I have spelling difficulties no matter how hard I memorize"

Still not convinced "In Standard 3, you called me creative, so the first person to teach me that long word is you" "You had to explain the word because I'm not good with long words"

"Yea, you're a visual learner..." was her reply

"I am more to visual. I made my own charts, my own diagram and mind maps. And the first 20 elements in the periodical table, We had a unique mnemonics"

The mnemonics was a created by my other good friend and I. What makes it unique, it's a parody of out vice principal and some classmates.

"I have to learn how to control the words and letters from becoming fuzzy and dancing. Reading cursive letters is a hell, that is why my notes are in block letters"

And our biology teacher always compliment my note, not because it's clean and tidy, because I write in block letters and it's easy to read. When reading cursive writings, the letters seems to play skipping rope together.

"Hey! look on the bright side. Maybe it's a good thing that I quit medicine. At least, I won't be sued if I write a wrong prescription.. hahahaha"

Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein, Richard Branson; they are also dyslexic according to (link below) In that list only 2 are doctors... well actually surgeons. Well surgeon read less and watch more. They are more into visual. And Surgery is a subject that one have too see to understand.

And most dyslexics are good in business. sports, and arts.  

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