Saturday, 15 November 2014

Christmas mood...

In our lovely state, it's not surprising to find people of all creed and race live in harmony. Better than our nation. Well our state is distinct from other states in the nation because of our history. It is so unique. I would say our state is unique, it is akin to Quebec in Canada. We use different language, our culture is different and cessation is one of the hotly discussed topic. Our state is also the largest, much like Quebec, the largest province in Canada (Although Nunavut is larger, Nunavut is a territory... Imagine how big would Northwest Territory be before it splits)

This morning, my mother and I went to 2 Muslim owned business. One is an optometrist the other is a restaurant. What surprises me is both establishment is in Christmas mood. The optometrist decorated his shop with Christmas trees, reindeer and Santa Clause. Also hanging on the wall is an Islamic calligraphy, the Shahadah is think. A bit funny, but somehow. To some this is conflicting. A Shahadah and Santa Claus in the same room. It's not a big issue here unlike in other states.

A few doors away from the optometrist is the restaurant. It's not decorated with Christmas decorations but Arthur Christmas is playing on the TV. Christmas mood is everywhere including in Muslim owned establishment. 

Although ethnically diverse, we treat each others like brothers and sisters. We don't allow racism in this region. I hope these dynamics would continue for many generations to come.  

But I also hope Christians, being the majority in this land, would do the same to our Muslim brethren. Accept the diversity in our state. After all we are like a big family. Acceptance. Accepting one another is one of the key to a harmonious nation. 

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