Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Edinburgh rhymes with....

I pronounce Edinburgh as 'Edin-bra'. Yup, my Edinburgh rhymes with bra. However, that's not the case to everyone in this region. For some, Edinburgh rhymes with an iceberg. So 'Edin-berg'.

On day I was asking a colleague of mine, how would they spend their time in the scariest city for their elective posting. I tease them that Edinburgh is notorious for their ghosts and haunted castle. An 'amoi' overheard our conversation and started to yell at me in a high pitched voice. "IT'S EDIN-BERG NOT EDIN-BRA...". I defended myself that that's how it is pronounced. And even asked her to find the correct pronunciation in Forvo if she still insist that her pronunciation is correct. Had she not yelled at me, I would not sound condescending. Typical ah mois and ah liens looking down on shabbily dressed person like me. I may not wear a Rolex or Zegna shirt or whatever brand is the most expensive or classier but at least I'm not a hello kitty fanatic like you. Everything is HELLO KITTY, grow up! (actually I wore my Renoma shirt that day... but the fact that I don't mingle with the upper crust makes her think I'm a simpleton). My colleague then verify and agrees with me.

One time, I pronounced Framingham Score as Framing-um. Like Buckingham or Birmingham, the H is not pronounced. H-dropping. I got the whole class confused. Well, that's my bad. Framingham score is indeed pronounced with a H. It's in Massachusetts, so no H-dropping. I'm not sure about New England pronunciation though. Do New Englander drop their H?

Well, in my defense, my colleague do make me confused too. They pronounced McIsaac score as MOSAIC score.

Scottish names are not pronounced as an English name. Another Scottish/Irish name that most medical student mispronounce is McLeod. Yup, Mac-Lee-Odd. Until a neurologist rectified us on the correct pronunciation. It rhyme with Cloud. So McCloud. Then I realized that's why is the Oz TV series pronounced that way. McLeod's daughters.

If in doubt, ask Forvo

*McLeod is one of the recommended book for physical/clinical examination.

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