Thursday, 13 November 2014

Generalization... and stereotyping

It is safe to say, nobody can escape from generalization. Say, Christians and Western Culture are sometimes interchangeable. Same goes to Arab and Muslim or Israel in Judaism. Arabic culture is always associated with Islam, Western culture is always associated with Christianity and Zionist and Jews are always an interchangeable term. So any barbaric Arab culture, Islam is to be blamed, immoral Western culture is spread by the Christians and all Jews are Zionist.

And it's always the minority among these 3 major Abrahamic religion who gets the brunt. Say if a Muslim live in a non-Muslim majority nation, he would be bashed on how 'Muslim' treat women or on barbaric Saudi law is and so on.

Same goes to a Christian minorities. One obvious example is Valentine's Day. No Christian denomination support premarital intercourse on any day. A marriage is seen as something serious and Holy, hence the word Holy Matrimony. And some deduct that Christians encourage premarital sex on Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day like other Christians festivity are being commercialized by Western culture. It's to increase sales during bleak winters. To encourage people spend more. Isn't it similar to Eid ul Fitr where departmental stores, or furniture stores gives special prices. So blaming Christian on encouraging immoral activities on Valentine's Day is wrong. Furthermore, not all Christians accept St. Valentine's sainthood.

Same goes to Jews. Not all Jews are Zionist. One example is Sir Isaac Isaacs, former Governor General of Australia who rejects the idea of building a Jewish nation. There are actually more Jews who rejects Zionism. But why boycott Jewish establishment, spread the news, or intention in Facebook? If one hates Jews so much, why does he or she open a Facebook account? Doesn't it defeats the idea of boycotting Jewish product?

So generalizing all Muslim as barbaric, all Christians immoral or all Jews as suppressors is wrong on many levels. One should separate Islam and Arab, Christian and the so called immoral, destructive Western culture and Judaism/Jews with Zionism. Some Arabs are Christians. Arab and Jews are Semitic; that is why some Arabic and Hebrew words sound and mean the same. Some Westerners are Muslim, and some Muslims are rejects/disagree with the barbaric Saudi law. Not all Christians are involved in Auto da fe. Not all Jews are suppressor.

See a person, as a person, not by their religion. We just worship God in our own way. We see God in a different way.

Instead of seeing the bad side of other religion look at the brighter side. In Manhattan, a Muslim helped a Jew when the Christians attacked the Jew. In Egypt, the Copts protect the Muslims while they are performing their Friday prayers and vice versa. In Central African Republic, the Muslims seek refuge in churches. There a more examples but we focus on the negative ones. I blame them on the media. They are trying to sell their news by making them sensational and bloody. That is why accidents are always on the first page of any newspaper (or at least local Chinese newspaper, forgive my racism)

So Peace, no war.


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