No, I'm not selling those products at reduced price. Just wondering why would one spend money on buying a pulsating, electric brush and face wash. Can't normal face washing do all the job?
Well, I've tried Clinique Sonic once at a booth, it's in one of my earlier post. It's divine! I can feel my skin breathing. But the price inhibited me to buy one.
So, I came up with an idea. Why not use an electric toothbrush and use natural face cleanser? To me, using electric toothbrush is not worth it. The replacement is still expensive. I use a regular toothbrush then.
I brush my face with lemon. Thinking of using yoghurt but again, it's not worth putting yoghurt on my face (I'm still a cheapskate Asian... just kidding). Actually, I'm out of yoghurt and driving to the shop just to buy one, maybe later... I just want to have my me time. Yoghurt is a good cleanser too. I've tried it before.
The verdict
My face feel fresher. I can see that the brushing action lifted up dirts from my face. Girls wearing make up, don't be surprised if you have tons of dirts on your face especially if you're a girl who doesn't remove make-ups regularly.
Try using a soft brush, I used medium because I'm a 'tough' guy. On a serious note, use a soft brush to minimize damage. Exfoliating should do more good than hard. Abrasion is ugly. Nothing happens overnight, so be patient and do this regularly. Don't expect instant result. Cheapos can't be a chooser.
When using lemon, beware of the sun. Well, maybe that's why vampires are so fair but sensitive to sun. They do facial like me. Lemon and sun doesn't mix well. First hand experience when I tried to highlight my black Asian hair with lemons. I burn faster.
Brushing also could improve blood circulation to your face. If you want a glowing complexion, go ahead. Brushing stimulate vasodilation. Heat do improve circulation too. That is why, steaming your face is also good for your complexion.
I think lemons have BHA (beta hydroxy acid) which is commonly used in skin exfoliation. I first heard of BHAs when I was 16. It was 'a-must' ingredient in face wash back then.
Well, if you have enough money to spend, Body Shop do sell face brush and it is soft. I had them before but it's not available in our local branch.
Don't forget to apply regenerating oil after each session. I use Rosken. It's a bit expensive than BioOil but I like the consistency.
Well ,when life gives you lemon, do facial...
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