Well, I am considered to have 'failure to launch'. Those who are judgmental would see it as our fault. Mine is multi-factorial. I see it as a wrong place at a wrong time. Do you think we 'fail to launch' just because we want to. It's even worse if somebody who judge you are so-called pious. Don't they think that it is God willing. I choose to ignore those negative stigma. I tried to. It's hard if you're an Asian. That how the stereotype starts. Asian committed suicide after getting a B stereotype. They can say what they want, but they never been in my shoes. Imagine getting PTSD, dyslexic and a left-hander in a not-so 'left-hander friendly' place. Experiencing so many death of your confidantes.
Well, not everything launch early. How many delays does Airbus 380 experienced, same goes to 350 and Boeing 787. It's like priming. Maybe those difficulties are my test flights, which I survived. But I'm still not ready to fly.
And not all airliners are build like in concept. The Boeing 777 was designed to have foldable wings. 767 is supposed to have 3 engines like DC-10/MD-11 or L1011. Not everything happens as planned. Doesn't mean it's a failure. Both airliner are still reliable. 777 is a safe airliner. Those fatal accidents are most probably due to pilot failure or unforeseen circumstances. 767 is the most comfortable twin aisle aeroplane. At 7 abreast with 2-3-2 configuration, most seat are window seat or aisle seat. Only the middle seat of the 7 are neither window or aisle. That the coach.
Moral of the story, don't be upset when things doesn't go as planned.
And those test toughen you.
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