Thursday, 18 December 2014


Smartphone is already a necessity, rather than a luxury.

A computer which was a luxury 3 decades ago is now a necessity. A mobile phone which was a luxury 2 decades ago is now a necessity. If more than 75% of the population (urban population) owned it, it's considered a necessity.

I never had a smartphone. So, imagine how hard it is to update with my colleague back in Uni. Whenever, I asked, "Why am I not informed" the common reply would be "Didn't you check your Facebook? I've posted it like 2 hours ago"

Do you expect me to check my Facebook every hour? With a laptop? With WiFi coverage like in here? It's easier to smartphone user or tablet user. They can check their social media anywhere, anytime. So, it's kinda sucks to be the one without such devices when about 90% of my classmates have them.

It is not a peer pressure or kiasu syndrome. What was a luxury is now a necessity. Even a 5 year old own a smartphone. Not that I encourage pre-schooler to own one. Just to illustrate how it is a necessity. I'll link Sacha Stevenson's parody below. An Indonesian parody of Lenka.

Hopefully, before Christmas, Santa would send me one. Just kidding. But I do really hope, my 5k would be ready before Christmas, so that I could buy a smartphone.

Now, another challenge would be choosing one. I prefer one with keypad. So I am thinking of owning a BlackBerry. BBM is a plus too, isn't it? I'm a smartphone 'virgin'. I don't really know what to look for in a smartphone. I'm not a tech-savvy person.

BlackBerry. Aye or Nay?

It's Canadian, Just like Sacha.


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