Friday, 12 December 2014

The short lived happiness of a dyslexic...

I've invested about 40k in an investment bank 8 years ago. All this while, I'm in the dark regarding my investment. So, I've decided to go to their branch in this little city last Tuesday. At the said bank, I was told that the Trust Fund department is not there. But they gave me the address of the Assistant Vice President of the Trust Fund Department.

Looking for the house (yes a house, apparently, the teller gave me the house address of her colleague) is hard. It's an old housing estate. The house address given to me is the 'old style' address. Back in the 90's streets are numbered. Now most streets are given names. Even worse, if the street is divided by two. One have to look for the address in both street.

The 'old style' is easier. It's more like Manhattan Street numbering. Streets and Avenues. For example, 102nd street between 5th and Madison. In the current street naming system, 102nd street have 2 or 3 names. To illustrate,  say 102nd street between 10th and 9th were renamed as Moon street, between 5th and Madison were rename as Star street. So Moon St and Star St are different section of 102nd St. Local municipal should think twice before renaming street, be it the name of a national figure or other patriotic sounding name. Streets name after a British colonist is often the first to change name.

After 1 hour driving in that small area, I still can't find the house. So, I parked my car and walk around and ask the resident. The resident aren't that helpful. Thinking that I'm just annoying salesman, peddling goods at an absurdly expensive price. Daylight robbery.

After half an hour under the sun, with ambiguous directions, I decided to try another round driving. At last, a house hidden in an unnamed alley.

At the house, I was greeted by a man. He's the assistant's vice president's elder brother. The person that I need to see is not at home. So, I asked him the contact number. The person I'm looking for is not around and we arranged a meeting today.

So today, I met with the assistant vice president of the trust fund of the investment bank. The main reason why I need to see him is I don't remember my account number for this particular bank. And I need to know how my money's doing with them. I filled in a form for him to check. And I asked him to text me the current amount of money.

After 2 hours, he texted me. It read "There's 32000 in your account". I jumped in ecstasy. Thinking that my money had tripled. Then came another text "Probably due to the recession"

A big question. Didn't my money tripled to 132000? I checked the previous message. Oh damn, I actually lose around 8K in the investment bank. 8 years wasted. My money and my education.

Is it my bad karma?

Now, I'm thinking of withdrawing half and invest with another bank. Can't put all eggs in one basket.

If only it's 132K, hmmmm...

At least I know the situation now. What if I invest in gold or platinum?

1 comment:

  1. It happens to non-dyslexics too. More than you think. Believe me, I have first-hand experience.
