Thursday, 25 December 2014


In the simple mind of a child, a car is something you can ride on. Petrol is just a different thing. A car can magically work without fuel. Petrol is just to enhance the car performance. I wish.

So my little neighbour, said the same thing. And I replied
"Well, if only I'm in Flintstone's world. Human powered car."
And with wheels made of rock, instead of making life easier, it's quite a burden to ride a car. Maybe Yabadabadoo is a magic word. Their car zoom upon saying this word.

Let's go down the memory lane Gen Xs.


Crocodile-like dinosaur as garbage disposal.
Flying dinosaur, probably pterodactyl - an aeroplane
Bird as a remote control transmitter
Long-necked dinosaur, probably a brontosaurus - a crane

Their car looks similar to a steamroller.

Flintstone, a cartoon which Gen X are familiar with, but not Gen Y.

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