I was waiting in a queue at a fast food restaurant. In front of me is a 7 months old baby with her father. I peek a booed the baby and she smiled. 4 upper teeth and 2 lower teeth. I wish I have a baby. If only I can borrow somebody else's baby. Who in a sane mind would lend their baby to a 27 years old single man. I am not a paedophile. I just like children.
I have lots of nephews and nieces. And younger cousins. So, I have first hand experience baby sitting those little tots.
I think men should not be intimidated to baby sit. Babies taken cared by men are said to be more emotionally stable. If you're a father, get involved in raising your offspring.
The only fond memory with my old man is going to town with him and he bought me a helicopter. We rode a bus but it rained heavily when we are about to go home. So, we hired a taxi. Most of the time, he is away, working. I wish he had spend more time with me. Well, I'm just a neglected middle child. Only a middle child could understand.
This is my paternal instinct speaking.
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